Wednesday, November 30, 2011

MW's NOTD: Glitter Emo/NYC Nail Polish Review

Whirllers :)
I was extremely bored this morning, purchased my first black nail polish, and decided to have some fun:

Check out my review for the elf nail polish here

NYC Nail Polish Review:
The NYC in a New York Colour Minute nail polish in 'Black Pearl' was a very nice colour to use for the first time using black, as it wasn`t a dark black, but a more softer black with grey sparkles. So, it was definitely approachable by a newbie for dark polish. Application was great and the nail polish DOES dry quickly! I was very impressed, considering the nail polish was only £1.79! The colour lasted a very long time, which was great! In fact, it lasted for 7 days, and probably more, if I didn`t remove it after those days!

What do you guys think of the combination?


HFW 2011 - Day 4: Vacation/Destination

Salam :)

This is what I would opt for if I was on 'vacation' (us Brits call it a holiday lol). Something loose and flowy, light colours, etc:

White Oxford Shirt - H&M
Brown Embroidered Wraparound Skirt - Aarong
Hijab - H&M
Bangles - H&M
Sunglasses - H&M
Sandals - Zara

(you can enlarge the pics by clicking on them to see clearer :) )

P.S. Check out the other beautiful sisters outfits here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

HFW 2011 - Day 3: Break the Rules

Salam :)

Okay, this day was the most difficult for me, in fact I just made it now...I decided to break a few myths together:

- Print on print
This CAN work, as long as there is one print more subtle than the other. In my photos, you can see the floral print is more prominent.
- Black and brown
This is actually one of my favourite colour combinations, especially in the fall. Don`t believe this rule!! 
*just realised you can`t actually see the black t-shirt, the way I`m posed, but its there*
- Hijabi's shouldn`t wear skirts with boots
Why not? I like it, albeit I DO look shorter, but meh, I`m 5ft....can`t look MUCH shorter lol.

T-shirt - H&M
Skirt - Next
Cardigan - Zara
Hijab - H&M
Belt - River Island
Boots - ALDO
Bracelet - Miss Selfridge

(you can see the pic enlarged by clicking on it :) )


P.S. Check out the other beautiful sisters outfits here.

Monday, November 28, 2011

HFW 2011 - Day 2: Hobby/Recreation

Salam :)

When I have spare time, I absolutely LOVE walking, exploring and taking photographs of the scenery. I love nothing more than to chuck on some old clothes, an oversized cardigan and trampy boots to see what I can discover:

Jersey Bodycon Dress - H&M
Trousers - Zara
Oversized Cocoon Cardigan - Zara
Trampy Boots - Evans
Necklace - Forever 21

**Casual and trampy is definitely the way to go!**

(you can click the pic to if you want to see the pic enlarged)


P.S. Check out the other beautiful sisters outfits here.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

HFW 2011 - Day 1: Leaders in Hijab

Salam :)
Leaders in Hijab - for me, this would be my aspiration of opening my own law firm in the future. I think I would wear a nice suit to work, with a plain dark hijab as I think this would look more professional:


Suit - Zara
Shirt - H&M
Handbag - ALDO
Shoes - Kurt Geiger
Hijab - Green St

(To see more clearly, don`t forget you can click on the pics to enlarge :) )


P.S. Check out the other beautiful sister's outfits here.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

MW's Snapshot Saturday

Whirrlers :)

Photos from over the week! :)

I like these kind of posts, I`m going to start doing these every week, so you can get a 'snapshot' of my week lol.


Friday, November 25, 2011

MW's Mini Goodies from Forever 21

My Wicked Whirrlers!! :)

Ordered a few little items off Forever 21's website:

Chandelier Long Necklace - £6.60
Long Finger Ring - £3.90

I absolutely love these purchases!! I can definitely see a lot of use out of the necklace, as its black and simple and can be thrown on plenty of outfits. 
(Of course, if you want to be more creative, then why not make a necklace with your own earrings like I did  here. Its obviously more of a wiser option, as you`re wearing your favourite earring lol AND you save money.) 

The ring is cool. I like it. I wore it yesterday, didn`t get too much in the way nor caught in clothes, so I think I`ll be wearing that a bit, too. :)

My only concern was the delivery of my online order. I spent £3.95 on delivery....thats quite dear if I do say so myself, but with that much for delivery, surely one would expect the goodies to be delivered, lets say fairly promptly? I received it over a week later!! And, the ONLY reason I even received it then, was after I emailed F21 and followed up on my order! They said it went to the wrong depot and was being relabeled and sent back to my nearest depot, which meant they only picked up on their error after I brought it to their attention! Thats not good enough for me. They DID refund me on my delivery, but I`d rather not be put in this situation again in the future, especially at £3.95. 

So, in the future, if I really want anything from F21? I`m just going to pop into the stores in London rather than go through the hassle of emailing F21 Customer Services to follow up on my order!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

MW's November GlossyBox Review

My beautiful Whirrlers :)

This is my first ever GlossyBox review, I`ve been getting them for a few months now, and I`ll be honest, they`re not as good as they used to be when I first got them. I am disappointed with this box because there wasn`t any make up in the box and again like last month, all these creams and stuff - so, blah to me.

As you can see there were some NAIL ROCK (Designer Nail Wraps  (£6.65 at full size), which didn`t appeal to me, as well, red lace? Really? Pretty ugly to me. I most likely won`t wear these, nor purchase these at full price. (These were full size wraps)
The ILLAMASQUA 'Freak' (£59.00 at full size) perfume sample - I`m not the biggest fan of perfumes as it is, all the past perfume samples I`ve received from GlossyBox, I`ve never smelt (and read reviews - weren`t nice smells) but this perfume scent lingered when you opened the box. It was quite a light scent, which surprised me as Illamasqua are quite flamboyant. This is their first perfume to be released. I probably wouldn`t purchase this perfume at full price, which at £59.00, seems quite expensive.

The products I DID test out are numbered in the picture:

1. ARBONNE Ultra Hydrating Hand Creme (£19.00 at full size) 
The formula was quite light, and it states it has kiwi extracts, but when I put it on it smelt like I had been peeling clementines, lol. I put it on yesterday as my hands were extremely dry, and it DID make a significant difference. I would probably purchase this again but as a gift to someone who appreciates hand creams. But, this sample size is sitting in my handbag for now.

2. DEAD SEA SPA MAGIK Delicate Boosting Mask (£8.80 at full size)
I`ve never worn a face mask in my life, so I guess I was expecting life altering results, lol. But, when I put it on and washed it off after 10-15 minutes as stated on the tube, I was disappointed. My face looked exactly the same. The description states 'showing immediate and remarkable results' - I did not see this. Maybe I did it wrong? Has anybody else tried it and got the desired results? From my first attempt, I probably would not purchase this again, although, I`ll re-try and see if theres a difference. If so, then possibly.

3. PHILIP KINGSLEY Elasticizer (£52.10 at full price)
The tube states to wear a plastic cap for 15-20 minutes, I do not have one, so I missed this step, but even without the cap, I loved the end result. It made SUCH a huge difference to my hair! It wasn`t as frizzy, it was soft when it was dry and definitely more glossy. If I had the money I would repurchase this, as it seems quite dear, but only use it for special occasions.


I have decided that if the December box doesn`t leave me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, I will unsubscribe. These boxes are in total £13.95 including p+p, so they`re not cheap, especially when there are similar boxes out in the market now, for cheaper. I will have to research into those brands and see what they offer, etc.
So, if you are reading this Mr GlossyBox, please make December a good 'un! Don`t disappoint me! Give me more make up!!

Did you guys like your GlossyBoxes? Link me your reviews!!


MW's Top Tip: Make Your Own Necklace

Hey Whirllers! :)

Anybody else like me, who before becoming a hijabi had GORGEOUS chandelier earrings, but can`t wear them now because of the hijab?

Well, worry not. You can now still wear them, without the burden of the weight straining on your earlobes!

Do what I did and makeshift them into a long necklace.

What you need:
- Gorgeous Earrings
- Long Chain
- Tiny hoop
- Pliers

What you do:
1. Remove the hook from the earring with the pliers.
2. From where you removed the hook, put the hoop in its place, with pliers. Ensure you tighten the hoop tightly so the earring won`t fall off.
(The hoop is important as this is what makes sure the earring is always facing the front.)
3. Put the tiny hoop (with earring attached to it) through the long chain.
4. Fasten and put on neck and see how gorgeous your chandelier earring is as a necklace.


Monday, November 21, 2011



What I`m lusting after at the moment:

- Scarf in that deep purple colour
- Sleek Contour Kit in Medium (I already have the Light, but after seeing other bloggers reviews about the medium, and me being darker than them, it has given me the 'courage' to go purchase it.)
- Bracelet and Long Finger Ring both from H&M 
- Long necklaces. Love them at the moment. I want moreeeee.
- Stila LipGlaze's. <3


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

MW's LUSTLIST: Versace for H&M

My Beautiful Whirllers!

I`ve been meaning to do this post for a while, but I suppose this is good timing as the Versace for H&M campaign kicks off tomorrow! I would have loved to be back working in H&M right now. You get free tops from every campaign! I`ve got a couple from when I used to work there, and of course, technically, you get first dibs on products!!

These are the products that caught my eye:




The clothes didn`t really appeal to me, to be honest...except the pink blazer in the mens section! That was hot!

Also, Donatella Versace, herself, will be at the Regents St, London store tomorrow to open the campaign! My nearest one will be holding some pieces, so I will probably avoid the hustle and bustle tomorrow.

What pieces caught your eye? And, will you be at your nearest H&M at 9am tomorrow?


Monday, November 14, 2011

MW's Retro Raid

Whirllers <3

How is everyone? I decided to raid my parents room yesterday and look at the goodies Mama Bear let me keep!!

Okay, so basically, Mama Bear let me keep:
1. A monochrome faux fur clutch - so gorgeous!
2. A chunky necklace
3. A retro watch that Dad used to wear until battery died, it stopped at 4 o'clock lol
4. A two tone peal bracelet.
5. An oriental pouch. She got given a pearl necklace in that. Wasn`t allowed that though lol.

I`m definitely going to raid my parents room in the near future. Sooo many cute things!! 

Have you ever raided and found something cool in your parents room?


Sunday, November 13, 2011

MW's Goodies: Elf Make Up Purchases/Review

Hi Whirllers!

So, I get an email from elf saying theres a special offer at the moment, if you spend £10+ and include a specific code, you get a £10 worth of 'Luxury Gift Set Mystery Box' plus free postage and packaging! So, I thought, yea, why not? I need new bronzer, anyway and I HATE paying for postage and packaging (lol). So, I went ahead and spent exactly £10 and this is what I got:

Massive box! Postman had to deliver it in his van as opposed to bike/on foot. I crawled back into bed with the box, which is why you can see my bedspread in the photos lol:

Whoever packed it, was having fun, it was STUFFED with bubble wrap. Kept it, might need it in the future to send goodies in the post:

These are the goodies I purchased:
Warm Bronzer - £3.50
Mineral Lipstick in Ripe Rose - £3.50
Nail Polish in Dark Red - £1.50
Nail Polish in Mod Mauve - £1.50

What I got for free in the Luxury Gift Set Mystery Box:
Beauty Book in Smokey Eye Edition - £6.00
Smudge Brush - £1.50
Nail File - £1.50
Nail Polish in Golden Goddess - £1.50

This is what the Beauty Book Smokey Eye Edition looks like! Its got one side filled with a mirror, eyeshadows, eyeliner and an applicator. Whilst on the other side are the steps on how to do a smokey eye. Quite nifty for someone who is new to eyeshadows (i.e. me)!

Here are swatches (is that the correct word to use?) for the nail polishes. The first one I tried out was 'Dark Red' and the ring finger has the polish with only one coat. So, you`ll need to wear two coats to achieve the Dark Red colour. I love elf nail polishes. They`re long lasting for the price. And, they have quite a wide choice of colours to choose from. They also have Vitamin E in them, so helps look after the nails.

This is 'Mod Mauve' on the ring finger and I absolutely LOVE this colour on my nails!! Its like a salmon colour, so its not too much in your face, which I love. You could wear this to work and it would seem like a professional colour, I think, anyway.

Here is the 'Golden Goddess' - on its own not very nice, but over nail polish it looks nice. Probably more ideal if you`re going out in the evening and wearing gold to match it. 

I actually wore this over black nail polish, and it looked great! The glitters don`t fall off easily, unless you put force on them to come off. The polish does dry with a matte effect, so it looks great! I would recommend if you ever wanted to 'dazzle' your nails, quickly and cheaply!

Here is the Mineral Lipstick in Ripe Rose. Cute packaging. Its simple. And, you can see its a nice nudey pink/red colour.

Here it is as a swatch on my hand. Its described on the website as a matte creamy deep pink, and I would say this is an accurate description of the lipstick. It was creamy and not drying on my lips. I did add vaseline over it for a slight sheen. I would probably buy different colours from this range, as I`m starting to experiment with lipsticks.

Also, the Warm Bronzer is a fav item of mine. I`m obsessed with it and its my go-to bronzer after recommendations from Lil Miss Rosh, ages ago!! Everyone should purchase it. And, at £3.50 you literally cannot go wrong with it!

So, thats my recent purchase from elf! Do you buy anything from elf? What would you recommend for my next elf shopping basket? 


MW's Scarf Storage

Heyyy Whirllers!

This is how I store my scarves!

Right at the back you can see my plain pashmina's, colour co-ordinated.

Infront of that you can see two baskets. That's where I keep my everyday hijabs. So instead of piling them up like the pashmina's at the back, I've got them in handy baskets that I can just grab out without ruining the rest of the hijabs. If I ruin the hijabs within that basket. Not a big deal can easily tidy up!

Underneath, I have my other scarves, my woolly ones, the thin ones to throw on over shoulders, etc and, I have some in containers to keep them compact, and again easy to grab out.

I've messed around with different ways of storing hijabs and this has definitely been the most ideal for me.
How do you store yours?

Lemme see how you guys do it!! Might be inspirational for me!! Make sure to comment and link your tag so I can see!


Friday, November 11, 2011

MW's Photo Diary from Westfields


Here are photos from when I went to Westfields since it opened...

So, this is Day 2 of opening. It was soooo packed. It was crazy. I literally took two photos on this day as I walked in, and walked back out within 20 minutes. Smh.

Our beloved F21 <3

 Then I went on a second visit:

On my train journey! I read a Jenny Colgan book, which I`ve actually finished and have done a book review here. And, cannot live without my halal jelly sweets. Nom, nom, nom!!

My outfit for the day, took a cheeky pic in the restroom lol.
Long sleeve t-shirt, navy blue blazer, navy blue and pink floral pleated maxi skirt, sandals, brown handbag, gold accessories and a navy blue hijab.

We ate at the Lotus Leaf. I would definitely recommend the rice dishes. It was much nicer than the noodles!

The place had a wicked gadget to let us know that our food was ready to pick up. It would flash and vibrate! How nifty??

 And, finally on my fourth visit (I didn`t take pics on my third visit), I met Joey Essex from TOWIE in the queue at Nando`s (where we didn`t actually end up eating at...) but, yeah, you can tell its him a mile off. Look at how tight his skinny jeans are lol:

The location of the shopping mall is handy as I travel to London Bridge and I can just jump on the Jubilee line and I`m there within 20 minutes, but I feel its too cramped and crowded...oh and the overdose of Asians. Smh!!

Have you guys checked out Westfields in Stratford City yet?