Thursday, November 24, 2011

MW's November GlossyBox Review

My beautiful Whirrlers :)

This is my first ever GlossyBox review, I`ve been getting them for a few months now, and I`ll be honest, they`re not as good as they used to be when I first got them. I am disappointed with this box because there wasn`t any make up in the box and again like last month, all these creams and stuff - so, blah to me.

As you can see there were some NAIL ROCK (Designer Nail Wraps  (£6.65 at full size), which didn`t appeal to me, as well, red lace? Really? Pretty ugly to me. I most likely won`t wear these, nor purchase these at full price. (These were full size wraps)
The ILLAMASQUA 'Freak' (£59.00 at full size) perfume sample - I`m not the biggest fan of perfumes as it is, all the past perfume samples I`ve received from GlossyBox, I`ve never smelt (and read reviews - weren`t nice smells) but this perfume scent lingered when you opened the box. It was quite a light scent, which surprised me as Illamasqua are quite flamboyant. This is their first perfume to be released. I probably wouldn`t purchase this perfume at full price, which at £59.00, seems quite expensive.

The products I DID test out are numbered in the picture:

1. ARBONNE Ultra Hydrating Hand Creme (£19.00 at full size) 
The formula was quite light, and it states it has kiwi extracts, but when I put it on it smelt like I had been peeling clementines, lol. I put it on yesterday as my hands were extremely dry, and it DID make a significant difference. I would probably purchase this again but as a gift to someone who appreciates hand creams. But, this sample size is sitting in my handbag for now.

2. DEAD SEA SPA MAGIK Delicate Boosting Mask (£8.80 at full size)
I`ve never worn a face mask in my life, so I guess I was expecting life altering results, lol. But, when I put it on and washed it off after 10-15 minutes as stated on the tube, I was disappointed. My face looked exactly the same. The description states 'showing immediate and remarkable results' - I did not see this. Maybe I did it wrong? Has anybody else tried it and got the desired results? From my first attempt, I probably would not purchase this again, although, I`ll re-try and see if theres a difference. If so, then possibly.

3. PHILIP KINGSLEY Elasticizer (£52.10 at full price)
The tube states to wear a plastic cap for 15-20 minutes, I do not have one, so I missed this step, but even without the cap, I loved the end result. It made SUCH a huge difference to my hair! It wasn`t as frizzy, it was soft when it was dry and definitely more glossy. If I had the money I would repurchase this, as it seems quite dear, but only use it for special occasions.


I have decided that if the December box doesn`t leave me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, I will unsubscribe. These boxes are in total £13.95 including p+p, so they`re not cheap, especially when there are similar boxes out in the market now, for cheaper. I will have to research into those brands and see what they offer, etc.
So, if you are reading this Mr GlossyBox, please make December a good 'un! Don`t disappoint me! Give me more make up!!

Did you guys like your GlossyBoxes? Link me your reviews!!


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