Friday, November 25, 2011

MW's Mini Goodies from Forever 21

My Wicked Whirrlers!! :)

Ordered a few little items off Forever 21's website:

Chandelier Long Necklace - £6.60
Long Finger Ring - £3.90

I absolutely love these purchases!! I can definitely see a lot of use out of the necklace, as its black and simple and can be thrown on plenty of outfits. 
(Of course, if you want to be more creative, then why not make a necklace with your own earrings like I did  here. Its obviously more of a wiser option, as you`re wearing your favourite earring lol AND you save money.) 

The ring is cool. I like it. I wore it yesterday, didn`t get too much in the way nor caught in clothes, so I think I`ll be wearing that a bit, too. :)

My only concern was the delivery of my online order. I spent £3.95 on delivery....thats quite dear if I do say so myself, but with that much for delivery, surely one would expect the goodies to be delivered, lets say fairly promptly? I received it over a week later!! And, the ONLY reason I even received it then, was after I emailed F21 and followed up on my order! They said it went to the wrong depot and was being relabeled and sent back to my nearest depot, which meant they only picked up on their error after I brought it to their attention! Thats not good enough for me. They DID refund me on my delivery, but I`d rather not be put in this situation again in the future, especially at £3.95. 

So, in the future, if I really want anything from F21? I`m just going to pop into the stores in London rather than go through the hassle of emailing F21 Customer Services to follow up on my order!


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