Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MW's Not So Pleasant Experience

Hey Whirllers!
Well, yesterday I went out for Eid lunch with my girls in Westfields Stratford City. It was a good day until we went through The Stratford Centre and it was after Magrib and this khala guy with half of his face covered goes to me:
'Are you looking at me?'
I obviously wasn't because I wasn't wearing my glasses and have awful eye sight without them on, so I chose to ignore him and carry on walking. All of a sudden he's following us and asking me:
'Are you a muslim? Are you a muslim?'
At this point, my girls grabbed me and started power walking and their first instinct was he was hitting on me *rollseyes* and mine was 'HES GOING TO MUG ME' *bringshandbagtothefront* but what he said next brought me to utter horror and shock...
'You're a disgrace!'
I was mortified. I've only recently become a hijabi and to hear that? In Stratford? Of all places? I was shaking. Not out of anger but because I was scared. He was charging up behind us, what if he was about to attack us? Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, a security guard came right then and I LITERALLY clung onto him as a shield. He started telling the guy off, saying his face shouldn't be covered, he's been harassing girls all day long.
The guy replies 'he's got mental incapabilities' - ermmmm, no offence, if you're mental, you don't usually say that as you're more likely oblivious to your problem? So we knew he was talking a load of rubbish. We walked off before he could follow us again.
But, yea, total dampener on my mood :( a couple of my friends were comforting me and I didn't want to ruin the evening so I tried to forget it and carry on with the evening. But, it did make me so much more paranoid.
Now, my previous post was about everything happening for a reason - this only brought me closer to Allah (swt). I'm proud of being Muslim. I'm proud that I wear the hijab and people know I've embraced Islam and I've been able to see the beauty of Islam. It's an experience, which I, insha'Allah, won't have to face again, anytime soon, but I've had my first one and I wasn't alone, so that was alright. Just have to surround myself Muslimah's and insha'Allah I'll be alright. I just gotta keep my head held high and reassure myself that Allah (swt) would never put me in a situation that I cannot handle.
Sorry for such a boring post, and no pictures, but I've always treated my blogs as a diary and blogspot will not be the exception and I felt I had to write this down, to get it off my chest.
Sisters, please always be with a mahraam, large group of muslimah's. He saw 3 hijabi's, no mahraam - opportunity to scare them. (Another reason as to why Islam is beautiful. Having a male mahraam everytime you go out could seem like a nuisance but done so for our own benefit - not be harassed by males, etc)
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you react? Did it bring you closer to Islam?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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