Thursday, November 3, 2011

MW's Thinking Period: Struggling

I spoke to close friend of mine today, and we came across the topic of 'Allah (swt) giving up on us'. She felt this can happen and I felt I had to reassure her as I personally don`t believe this. I explained to her why I always feel Allah (swt) is ALWAYS, ALWAYS with us.

I explained that every struggle we are faced with, we`re facing it for a reason, the fact we are struggling, is a sign that Allah (swt) is guiding us. This is why our Nabi (sws) said:
"When Allah desires good for someone, He tries him with hardships." (Al-Bukhari)

This is a typography I made last year on my old blog:
I really think its a statement that everyone should remember, not to be disheartened completely by the outcome, to overcome it, keep faith in Allah (swt) and carry on with life. Everything happens for a reason and has been perfectly calculated, we may not know it now, but one day we`ll realise why we were faced with that hardship.
I made this typography because I was going through a bad time, and I needed a reason as to why I was put in that situation, I studied into it and that was what I learnt from it - everything is perfectly calculated.

I also asked her: 'Would you rather be in a situation, struggling and thinking of Allah (swt) and praying to Allah (swt) than being happy, in a good place and forgetting Allah (swt)? She obviously answered correctly and said the former.

Praying is the answer to majority of our problems, if we want to talk to Allah (swt) - pray. If we want a message from Allah (swt) - read the Quran. The answer is there. Even taking a moment to pray, tears flowing, heart open, can do a lot of good for a persons mentality.

Often in these situations, its probably best to take a step back and reassess your life -
- Are you praying five times a day? If not, try to. Obviously, nowadays with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, praying can be overlooked, but if we have 10 minutes to go onto facebook and see what everyone is upto, then we must surely have the same amount of time to do our Fard namaz five times a day?
- Are you surrounding yourself with good people, with pure intentions? Someone that will guide you when you`re falling down? Usually, we go for people we click with, but sometimes these people aren`t good for us in the long run. Its advised to surround ourselves with Muslimah`s who have the same intentions, support you, wouldn`t pressure you to do things, etc. Join an Islamic Society, go to the local masjid - there are always sisters there.
- Are you reading the Quran? Instead of logging onto facebook, why not do wudhu and read the Quran.

There are many things we can do to overcome our struggles and by praying and showing our humility to Allah (swt) we will always be able to overcome these struggles.

So, my dear friend, please don`t think Allah (swt) ever gives up on us. Allah (swt) is always with us, however low you may feel, everything happens for a reason and be happy you`re thinking of Allah (swt) instead of moving away from Allah (swt) and thinking Allah (swt) has given up on us - are YOU doing enough to overcome those struggles?

And, always remember, if you ever feel down, I`m always a phone call away to listen and share my thought. I love you, pumpkin <3

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