Thursday, November 24, 2011

MW's Top Tip: Make Your Own Necklace

Hey Whirllers! :)

Anybody else like me, who before becoming a hijabi had GORGEOUS chandelier earrings, but can`t wear them now because of the hijab?

Well, worry not. You can now still wear them, without the burden of the weight straining on your earlobes!

Do what I did and makeshift them into a long necklace.

What you need:
- Gorgeous Earrings
- Long Chain
- Tiny hoop
- Pliers

What you do:
1. Remove the hook from the earring with the pliers.
2. From where you removed the hook, put the hoop in its place, with pliers. Ensure you tighten the hoop tightly so the earring won`t fall off.
(The hoop is important as this is what makes sure the earring is always facing the front.)
3. Put the tiny hoop (with earring attached to it) through the long chain.
4. Fasten and put on neck and see how gorgeous your chandelier earring is as a necklace.


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