Hi Whirllers!
So, baby brother went back home for a week or so for work experience and came back with presents!! So much fun!
These are the items he got me! Favourite is definitely the elephant ornament! I love elephants!! <3
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
MW's Everyday Make-Up
Here is a snapshot of what I tend to grab if I feel like putting make up on. I also have different products which I use for when I want to make an effort, like foundation, better quality bronzer, lipglosses, and so forth.
As you can see I shove it all into a GlossyBox, so much easier to grab the box and sit infront of the mirror and then I can look at how my face wants to be done.
The stuff laid out is what I usually opt for on a more day to day basis...
- Olay tinted moisturiser in Medium [instead of foundation, which I save for when I need to make an effort]
- Applied with an Elf stipple brush
- With the same brush I apply my Elf pressed powder in caramel to give it a more matte effect on my nose area
- Curl my eyelashes with an eyelash curler from Claires Accessories lol
- I then do the inner line of my upper lash line, currently using a Neal Yard's Remedies eye liner in black. Its not very dark, which I prefer to give a more natural effect.
- I apply mascara with my favourite high street brand mascara, L'oreal Volume Million Lashes - AH-MAY-ZING mascara.
- With my Elf kabuki brush I apply Elf bronzer...in warm. As you can see from the picture, you can see which shade I use the most lol.
- Liquid liner I use is the L'oreal Super Carbon Gloss or something. Its REALLY good! But, I can`t usually be bothered to put it on. However if I were to, I would apply it to my upper lash line. If I really wanted my eyes to pop, I`d apply it to my lower lash line, too.
Stuff forgotten in picture, which do not sit in the box include my moisturing cream, I opt for Olay as its light enough to not cause break out and lip balm or lipglosses, which all reside in my handbags lol.
I try not to put on too much make up as my skin is dry and sensitive, so I like to let it breathe and stay hydrated.
What`s your everyday make-up?
make up,
Friday, October 28, 2011
MW's Typographies
These are a few typographies I had done in the past on my old blog. I love doing them.
What do you think?
ali ibn abu talib,
MW's OOTD: Pakistani Wedding
Hi Whirlers! :)
I went to an old family friends wedding over the weekend with my parents. It was beautiful. Segregated, no photography, nasheeds, small and intimate. <3
A few snaps from the day:
- The open-toed heels are from French Connection - £79.99
- The dress is from Dhaka (mentioned in my recent 'Goodies' post)
- A view of the burnt down Pier at Sunset
- Silhouettes of Mum and I in front of the sunset.
MW's Goodies from Shopping Trips
Okay, so the last month or so I`ve been working in the evenings so during the day I`ve been able to go shopping, etc...and here a few of the goodies I`ve purchased or been gifted recently. :)
- A plum coloured blazer from F21 - £24.75 (I think?)
A dusty pink waterfall satin formal kimono from F21 - £22.75 (I think)
This is what the print is close-up. I absolutely love paisley designs. <3
This is a mixture of goodies:
- A snake print scarf from F21 MEN - £9.00
- Teal/Navy/Purple Pashmina Scarves - 3 for £5 from an Indian guy who had a stall in Brighton
- Pearl long necklace and heart pendant with tassels necklace - both from Peacocks at £3, purchased one cheaper with Student Discount
- Aloe Vera Vaseline - Boots - £1.60, I think?
- MAC Select Cover up - £13 or something?
- Scarves from Tie Rack. Closing Down Sale. 3 for the price of 2.
- Woolly/Harry Potter/Preppy Vibe scarf - £14.99 - purchased for £9
- Stripy/Paisley reversible scarf - £34.99 - purchased for £9
- grey/Mauve/Pink scarf - £19.99 - free!
- Tailor made salwar kameez's from Dhaka <3
- I have a couple more but I`ve taken them out of the packaging, I`ll show you a photo of one in a future post as I wore it to a wedding.
- Estee Lauder Purse Collection size perfumes.
- Jewellery from Bangladesh.
- My favourite bangles from goodies. I love the blue. Its so piercing. <3
- Maroon/Black print - River Island - £35.99 - purchased for £15
- Brown Zebra print - M&S - £39.90 - purchased for £5
- Black/White print - H&M - £17.99 - purchased for £7
So, these are my recent goodies :) Hope you enjoyed. :)
TAG: If you know you`re a hijaabsta
I love doing tags! I saw this on thehijaabista's blog and thought I`d do it.
1. What is your Hijab story? (When you started wearing Hijab, why, how you felt & anything you would like to add, also for non-hijabi’s how do you generally feel about Hijab etc)
My hijab story is VERY recent. A few days before Ramadhan 2011. I hadn`t always wanted to wear it. But, recently in the last few years, I started to see the beauty of Islam. I, then became a closet hijabi, wearing the hijab around my room to get used to it, leaving it onaccidentally after doing my namaz, saying my hair was greasy, you name it, I`ve used it as an excuse to wear the hijab. I felt mentally ready for a long time, but there were personal issues that, I don`t think I`d want to share just yet, that made me resist wearing it. Then end of July 2011, I took the plunge and wore it. A few struggles, but I make dua to Allah (swt) to give me strength and courage to continue wearing it.
How I generally feel? Hmm. I love it. I forget I`m wearing it. I feel so protected in it. Obviously everyone has their own struggles as to why they don`t wear the hijab, but honestly, take the plunge soon...Islam is beautiful and the hijab is part of that, alhamdulilah.
My hijab story is VERY recent. A few days before Ramadhan 2011. I hadn`t always wanted to wear it. But, recently in the last few years, I started to see the beauty of Islam. I, then became a closet hijabi, wearing the hijab around my room to get used to it, leaving it on
How I generally feel? Hmm. I love it. I forget I`m wearing it. I feel so protected in it. Obviously everyone has their own struggles as to why they don`t wear the hijab, but honestly, take the plunge soon...Islam is beautiful and the hijab is part of that, alhamdulilah.
2. Post a picture of you wearing your favourite Hijab.
This is my current favourite hijab:
Its an oversized scarf from Primark. Current Season. £4. Go buy it!! <3
This is my current favourite hijab:
Its an oversized scarf from Primark. Current Season. £4. Go buy it!! <3
3. What does Hijab mean to you personally, other than it being part of your Deen (Islam etc)?
Well, thats what it is to me...its my way of expressing that I understand the beauty of Islam. And, its not an oppressive religion in the slightest. Its beautifullll, subhanallah!
Well, thats what it is to me...its my way of expressing that I understand the beauty of Islam. And, its not an oppressive religion in the slightest. Its beautifullll, subhanallah!
4. Who are your fashion inspirations/icons?
I like Kim Kardashian's daywear, Vanessa Hudgens, Nicole Richie, Olivia Palermo and Holly Willoughby! (I kid you not about Holly Willoughby <3)
I like Kim Kardashian's daywear, Vanessa Hudgens, Nicole Richie, Olivia Palermo and Holly Willoughby! (I kid you not about Holly Willoughby <3)
5. Name a few of you favourite places to buy Hijabs?
- H&M
- Primark
- Tie Rack
- Green Street.
- H&M
- Primark
- Tie Rack
- Green Street.
6. Name a few of your wardrobe staples? (Accessories, sleeves, bonnet cap etc)
- Pearl accessories
- My swarovski ring
- Bangles (the more, the merrier)
- Blackberry (yes, this included lol)
- Pearl accessories
- My swarovski ring
- Bangles (the more, the merrier)
- Blackberry (yes, this included lol)
7. Of all your Hijabs, what colour do you mainly wear?
Light hues, nude colours, pink, mauves, browns, black, etc...
Light hues, nude colours, pink, mauves, browns, black, etc...
8. How many Hijabs roughly in total do you have?
Oh wow, I`ve been collecting for a while, but last time I counted it was over 50.
9. Post a picture of your favourite trend, ‘Hijabified’.Oh wow, I`ve been collecting for a while, but last time I counted it was over 50.
Maxi skirts and shirts <3
10. Name your favourite/s fellow Hijabista’s blogs?
- yazmiinaktar.blogspot.com (<3)
- lazydoll.com (no description needed for DT lol)
- aishah-amin-the-hijab-diaries.blogspot.com (SUCH a beauty!)
- thehijaabsta.blogspot.com (recently came across her and I love her face/style!)
- yazmiinaktar.blogspot.com (<3)
- lazydoll.com (no description needed for DT lol)
- aishah-amin-the-hijab-diaries.blogspot.com (SUCH a beauty!)
- thehijaabsta.blogspot.com (recently came across her and I love her face/style!)
11. Post a picture of yourself holding up a sign saying ‘I AM A HAPPY HIJABI’
I`m too lazy to do this one, sorry :?
I`m too lazy to do this one, sorry :?
This tag was taken from thehijaabsta.blogspot.com. Check her out!
This tag was taken from thehijaabsta.blogspot.com. Check her out!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
MW's Book Review: Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe - Jenny Colgan
Since, Uni has finished and I`m taking a break from the job hunting and just relaxing at home. I have been able to attack my books that have accumulated after ordering on amazon and never having the time to sit down and read them. Admittedly, I could have read them on the commute to Uni, but books are heavy! And, I was already carrying so many books/folder, it just felt a bit of a nuisance carrying extra weight :? (Feeble excuse, I know. *ashamed*)
So, anyway, the first book, since Uni finished, I picked up was 'Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe' by Jenny Colgan.
And, I read it within 3 days (literally could not put it down) and absolutely loved it...
Its definitely an inspirational kind of story, where the main character, Issy, after being made redundant pursues her dream of opening a cake shop, following her passion of baking, which she developed from her Gramps Joe. She started doing something she loved as a full-time job and Jenny Colgan showed the struggles, the hard work, commitment, lack of social life included, which goes into running your own business.
And, of course there are love interests in the story (YES!!!) and, don`t want to spoil it, but do let me know if you wanted to punch a certain character lol.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I think that is because there were so many elements in the story that I could relate to, such as it was based in London, so I understood about her bus journey's into work, starting and running a food business, the lack of social life, etc.
I`m not entirely sure how these book reviews are supposed to go, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone that enjoys chick-lits and has a sweet tooth.
Also, if this book does not make you want to go bake, then I don`t know what to say to you!!
Please comment below if you`ve read the book, what is your opinion on the book?
So, anyway, the first book, since Uni finished, I picked up was 'Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe' by Jenny Colgan.
Now, I`ve read a few of Jenny Colgan's books in the past, such as 'Looking for Andrew McCarthy', 'Diamonds Are a Girl's Bet Friend', and so on. However, this book caught my attention, as embarrassing as this is...and one of the first rules of reading - 'Don`t Judge a Book by its Cover'. Whoopsie. I judged it by the cover.
The pink, the cupcakes and the title just jumped out at me. I`m a sucker for a pretty book cover. Picked it up and read the synopsis of the book, and fell even more in love with the book. Although, I`m very much so a chick-lit kind of girl and I love reading about romances and so forth (lol) and I did think: oh, there is nothing about a love interest, will I enjoy it? But, I went with my gut instincts and purchased the book...of course the fact that they had weird and wonderful recipes at the beginning of each chapter did tilt it in favour to purchasing it.
And, I read it within 3 days (literally could not put it down) and absolutely loved it...
Its definitely an inspirational kind of story, where the main character, Issy, after being made redundant pursues her dream of opening a cake shop, following her passion of baking, which she developed from her Gramps Joe. She started doing something she loved as a full-time job and Jenny Colgan showed the struggles, the hard work, commitment, lack of social life included, which goes into running your own business.
And, of course there are love interests in the story (YES!!!) and, don`t want to spoil it, but do let me know if you wanted to punch a certain character lol.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I think that is because there were so many elements in the story that I could relate to, such as it was based in London, so I understood about her bus journey's into work, starting and running a food business, the lack of social life, etc.
I`m not entirely sure how these book reviews are supposed to go, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone that enjoys chick-lits and has a sweet tooth.
Also, if this book does not make you want to go bake, then I don`t know what to say to you!!
Please comment below if you`ve read the book, what is your opinion on the book?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
MW's Product Review: Neutrogena Visibly Clear
This product is BEYOND amazing. I`ve been using it for a good few months, and I recommend it to EVERYONE that is willing to listen.
If you suffer have spots and you pick them, and are left with marks, then this is the product to use. It will reduce those marks and reduce the chances of getting spots.
My skin has lost majority of its marks now, alhamdulilah. Friends who have started using this product under my recommendation have also noticed the difference.
Give it a go, you can get it from Boots, Asda, Superdrug, etc etc... definitely, try it out.
Let me know if you use it and if it improves your skin! (:
MW's What To Wear In A Muslim Country
I received a message asking me what would be ideal to wear in Egypt in December, I thought initially I`d reply to her message, however I was instead inspired by the message to do a post on what Non-Muslims could potentially wear when they go to Muslim countries.
In Muslim countries, you will notice women are covered head to toe, possibly only their eyes visible. This is because in Islam, women are to dress modestly. Now, before I frighten every non-muslim away, this doesn`t mean you HAVE to dress like this. Not at all. However, DO think modest, loose clothing, nothing too revealing and you`ll get the jist of what kind of attire is suitable in these countries.
I would recommend long flowy skirts and dresses, which do not hug your figure, loose tunic tops over slim jeans, thin scarves (to keep the chest covered), big hats, big sunglasses and sandals.
Not only will this type of attire keep you modest in these countries, but it will also keep you cool in the heat (which is also very important).
I have included some ideas of outfits that you can get a general idea of what you could wear, as I feel pictures speak more volume than words:
A simple maxi dress with an oversized cocoon cardigan will keep you covered but also keeping it loose enough to keep you cool. Simple accessories to keep the outfit looking nice. And, of course the big oversized sunglasses because it`ll be too hot to wear make up so shove them on (lol)! And, the trilby hat to keep your face cool. I forgot to add a scarf, so any light flowy scarf would look nice with this outfit.
As you can see, I`ve kept the sandals and accessories the same, you don`t want to take SO many stuff with you and then not even use them all. This outfit, is balancing a loose blouse with a pair of slim jeans to keep your proportions in balance and a pashmina to throw over your shoulders to keep you modest yet looking elegant at the same time. This outfit would also be ideal in the evening for a meal in a restaurant teamed with a pair of nude heels instead of the sandals.
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE MAXI SKIRTS. In ANY colour/design, you`ll be able to work it! This will keep you modest and covered, yet the skirt should be flowy enough to keep you cool. Did I mention I LOVE maxi skirts?
This outfit is so cute. I love it! Tunic tops are fab for hot countries as you are modest, staying cool, yet looking absolutely GORGEOUS! You could also make this more casual with flats and jump on a camel hehe!
Also, you want to travel light to these countries because I`m pretty sure you`ll come across Bazaars and want to buy their pretty jewellery/scarves etc, so you want to keep some space for your new goodies in your suitcase.
But, you could even rock it out like Kim Kardashian, who is in Dubai at the moment and is embracing her Middle Eastern roots and rocking the abaya. Watch how she makes it the new 'it' item. ;)
[Photo: huffingtonpost.com]
I hope this helps anyone that is travelling to a Muslim country and wanted a general idea of what would be ideal to wear there. Also, I`m not saying you HAVE to cover up, you can easily team the maxi skirt with a tank top, etc. Its entirely up to you. But, you can wear current trends in a modest and elegant way in these Muslim countries. *thumbs up*
And, on a final note, the temperature will be cooler in the winter months, but it will still be hot, so do pack your sun block and take the scarves to cover your mouth from dust, etc.
Thanks for reading and I`ll leave you with a Coco Chanel quote to bear in mind when choosing your outfits to take on holiday:
'Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!'
P.S. easytoimagine.tumblr.com is who inspired my post. Check her blog out.
MW's Monthly Obsessions
I thought I`d be a very plain hijabi and would opt for plain hijabs, but I`m noticing that I`m drawing to the printed hijabs, whether it be floral, paisley or even polka dots!!


[Marc Jacobs]

Loving it at the moment, especially:

And, at only £2.95 a puff, you can`t go wrong with that!
What I really like about these puffs is that, its got a matte effect, yet feels so smooth on the lips and smells DIVINE. Candy on a puff stick. Nom, nom, nom! They have SUCH cute names like, Fairy Cake, Angel Delight, Cotton Candy and Powder Puff.
TIP: Go to Boots and do the 3 for 2 offer at the moment! I didn`t buy the light nude one as I didn`t think it would look good with my skintone (3rd one from left)
As, I used to study in London, I would always be coming and going with easy access to halal sweets, however, now I`m finished and back in the village...I don`t have that great of an access. Which results in MAJOR cravings for halal sweets.
I went to a nearby town (25 mins drive away) and found HALAL JELLY SWEETS!!! I got a lil overexcited and bought TONS!! Mum wasn`t impressed, but my craving is being met!! So, totally obsessed with them at the moment.

Oh, I also tried my first halal marshmallow for the first time. Nom, nom, nom!!

This is literally amazing!! My skin looks FLAWLESS in photos. I would definitely recommend this foundation, although it does not beat my all time favourite DiorSkin Forever Extreme Wear. That is BEYOND FLAWLESS and gives such a dewy look!

NB xo
I thought I`d be a very plain hijabi and would opt for plain hijabs, but I`m noticing that I`m drawing to the printed hijabs, whether it be floral, paisley or even polka dots!!
[Marc Jacobs]
Loving it at the moment, especially:
And, at only £2.95 a puff, you can`t go wrong with that!
What I really like about these puffs is that, its got a matte effect, yet feels so smooth on the lips and smells DIVINE. Candy on a puff stick. Nom, nom, nom! They have SUCH cute names like, Fairy Cake, Angel Delight, Cotton Candy and Powder Puff.
TIP: Go to Boots and do the 3 for 2 offer at the moment! I didn`t buy the light nude one as I didn`t think it would look good with my skintone (3rd one from left)
As, I used to study in London, I would always be coming and going with easy access to halal sweets, however, now I`m finished and back in the village...I don`t have that great of an access. Which results in MAJOR cravings for halal sweets.
I went to a nearby town (25 mins drive away) and found HALAL JELLY SWEETS!!! I got a lil overexcited and bought TONS!! Mum wasn`t impressed, but my craving is being met!! So, totally obsessed with them at the moment.
Oh, I also tried my first halal marshmallow for the first time. Nom, nom, nom!!
This is literally amazing!! My skin looks FLAWLESS in photos. I would definitely recommend this foundation, although it does not beat my all time favourite DiorSkin Forever Extreme Wear. That is BEYOND FLAWLESS and gives such a dewy look!
NB xo
MW's Hijab Friendly Fall Trends
So, my body signals to me when its Fall, and the Summer has ended. Its signs like, my feet are cold ALL day long, my skin is EXTRA dry - meaning that I need to add EXTRA moisturising cream on my face, that a cup of hot chocolate looks more appealing than a mango smoothie!!
With the Fall theme in my head, I thought I ought to share what I think are the hijab friendly fall trends this season. And, oh...its a corker!!
Trend Numero Uno: BLOUSES
(Okay, I`m cheating slightly. They were huge in the Spring/Summer trends, but I LOVE them AND still on trend for the Fall)
[H&M website]
I think they`re GORGEOUS. Perfect for modesty as they don`t have to be fitted and the baggier the better, especially if worn with slim fit trousers and heels.
I also think they look amazing with maxi skirts.
TIP: try and look out for blouses where they have pretty cuffs, as the top of the blouse is often hidden by the scarf, so the pussybow, the intricate collar, etc are missed, but if your cuffs are detailed then it won`t be so bad lol.
Trend Numero Dos: MAXI SKIRTS
(Again, cheating, and just following on the Spring/Summer trend)
But, they`ll be everywhere this Fall.
Think: Maxi skirt, boots, massive knit jumper!
[These pictures are from the Missoni Catwalk from Milan FW 2011]
This leads onto...
Trend Numero Tres: KNITS
All the colours you can think of, all the patterns you can think of...and the chunkier the better!!
[H&M website]
Trend Numero Cuatro: OVERSIZED
Think oversized items and then balance it with a more slim fit pair of bottoms to rock this trend perfectly.
[H&M website]
Trend Numero Cinqo: CLUTCHES
Love them! I wear them more around the village as opposed to in London, as I get scared someone might mug me. Eekk!
But, I love them as I adoreeee structured bags!
[The Row]
[H&M website]
[Not really a clutch, but its SO beautiful - Victoria Beckham]
And, this bag, I ABSOLUTELY ADORE:
[The Row]
Okay, so those are my 5 trends for the Fall. The thing I like about these 5 trends, is that they can all overlap! So, more outfit usage from the clothes. Can`t go wrong with that!
Also, don`t be afraid to throw in a print hijab with these, it`ll look great.
Do it like this:
What do you guys think? Should I do more posts like this? I like it. Takes a little longer than normal, but its fun. And, also if you`re a lookbook-er, let me know. I love checking out lookbook for inspirations!!
NB xo
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