Thursday, October 27, 2011

MW's Book Review: Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe - Jenny Colgan

Since, Uni has finished and I`m taking a break from the job hunting and just relaxing at home. I have been able to attack my books that have accumulated after ordering on amazon and never having the time to sit down and read them. Admittedly, I could have read them on the commute to Uni, but books are heavy! And, I was already carrying so many books/folder, it just felt a bit of a nuisance carrying extra weight :? (Feeble excuse, I know. *ashamed*)

So, anyway, the first book, since Uni finished, I picked up was 'Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe' by Jenny Colgan.

Now, I`ve read a few of Jenny Colgan's books in the past, such as 'Looking for Andrew McCarthy', 'Diamonds Are a Girl's Bet Friend', and so on. However, this book caught my attention, as embarrassing as this is...and one of the first rules of reading - 'Don`t Judge a Book by its Cover'. Whoopsie. I judged it by the cover. 

The pink, the cupcakes and the title just jumped out at me. I`m a sucker for a pretty book cover. Picked it up and read the synopsis of the book, and fell even more in love with the book. Although, I`m very much so a chick-lit kind of girl and I love reading about romances and so forth (lol) and I did think: oh, there is nothing about a love interest, will I enjoy it? But, I went with my gut instincts and purchased the book...of course the fact that they had weird and wonderful recipes at the beginning of each chapter did tilt it in favour to purchasing it. 

And, I read it within 3 days (literally could not put it down) and absolutely loved it...

Its definitely an inspirational kind of story, where the main character, Issy, after being made redundant pursues her dream of opening a cake shop, following her passion of baking, which she developed from her Gramps Joe. She started doing something she loved as a full-time job and Jenny Colgan showed the struggles, the hard work, commitment, lack of social life included, which goes into running your own business.

And, of course there are love interests in the story (YES!!!) and, don`t want to spoil it, but do let me know if you wanted to punch a certain character lol.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I think that is because there were so many elements in the story that I could relate to, such as it was based in London, so I understood about her bus journey's into work, starting and running a food business, the lack of social life, etc.

I`m not entirely sure how these book reviews are supposed to go, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone that enjoys chick-lits and has a sweet tooth.

Also, if this book does not make you want to go bake, then I don`t know what to say to you!!


Please comment below if you`ve read the book, what is your opinion on the book?


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