Friday, October 28, 2011

TAG: If you know you`re a hijaabsta

I love doing tags! I saw this on thehijaabista's blog and thought I`d do it.

1. What is your Hijab story?  (When you started wearing Hijab, why, how you felt & anything you would like to add, also for non-hijabi’s how do you generally feel about Hijab etc)
My hijab story is VERY recent. A few days before Ramadhan 2011. I hadn`t always wanted to wear it. But, recently in the last few years, I started to see the beauty of Islam. I, then became a closet hijabi, wearing the hijab around my room to get used to it, leaving it on accidentally after doing my namaz, saying my hair was greasy, you name it, I`ve used it as an excuse to wear the hijab. I felt mentally ready for a long time, but there were personal issues that, I don`t think I`d want to share just yet, that made me resist wearing it. Then end of July 2011, I took the plunge and wore it. A few struggles, but I make dua to Allah (swt) to give me strength and courage to continue wearing it. 
How I generally feel? Hmm. I love it. I forget I`m wearing it. I feel so protected in it. Obviously everyone has their own struggles as to why they don`t wear the hijab, but honestly, take the plunge soon...Islam is beautiful and the hijab is part of that, alhamdulilah. 

2. Post a picture of you wearing your favourite Hijab.
This is my current favourite hijab:
Its an oversized scarf from Primark. Current Season. £4. Go buy it!! <3

3. What does Hijab mean to you personally, other than it being part of your Deen (Islam etc)? 
Well, thats what it is to me...its my way of expressing that I understand the beauty of Islam. And, its not an oppressive religion in the slightest. Its beautifullll, subhanallah! 

4. Who are your fashion inspirations/icons? 
I like Kim Kardashian's daywear, Vanessa Hudgens, Nicole Richie, Olivia Palermo and Holly Willoughby! (I kid you not about Holly Willoughby <3)

5. Name a few of you favourite places to buy Hijabs?
- H&M 
- Primark
- Tie Rack
- Green Street.

6. Name a few of your wardrobe staples?  (Accessories, sleeves, bonnet cap etc)
- Pearl accessories
- My swarovski ring
- Bangles (the more, the merrier)
- Blackberry (yes, this included lol)

 7. Of all your Hijabs, what colour do you mainly wear?
Light hues, nude colours, pink, mauves, browns, black, etc...

8. How many Hijabs roughly in total do you have?
Oh wow, I`ve been collecting for a while, but last time I counted it was over 50.

9. Post a picture of your favourite trend, ‘Hijabified’.
Maxi skirts and shirts <3

10. Name your favourite/s fellow Hijabista’s blogs?
- (<3)
- (no description needed for DT lol)
- (SUCH a beauty!)
- (recently came across her and I love her face/style!)

11. Post a picture of yourself holding up a sign saying ‘I AM A HAPPY HIJABI’
I`m too lazy to do this one, sorry :?


This tag was taken from Check her out!

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