Friday, October 26, 2012

MW's Pin(e)ing for Paris OOTD

Bonjour Whirlers,

Ça va?

I went to Paris and had a magical time!! I took PLENTY of photos which I shall share later this week, but here is an outfit I wore on the trip:

Massive this fall. Absolutely adore this shade! I want to buy so many items this colour! Wearing it with black makes it look that much more gorgeous, in my opinion!

This is me in front of the Louvre Museum. 

Blouse: Forever 21
Waiscoat: H&M
Skirt: H&M
Hijab: eBay
Bag: Zara
Boots: New Look
Accessories: Street Princess/H&M

What do you think about hunter green? So fall, right?


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