Friday, October 5, 2012

MW's Stoptober

Yes, I`m doing Stoptober - but, not how you think! Instead of Stop Smoking October...I have decided to do:


1. No CLOTHES shopping
2. No SHOE shopping
3. No ACCESSORIES shopping
4. £50 expenses per week for food/petrol/cosmetics
5. Definition: Cosmetics - Does NOT mean make up - its basic toiletry needs - stuff you`d buy from Savers - not Selfridges make up counters.
6. Shop within your wardrobes - dig out old items that you haven`t worn in a long time and make it new
7. DIY old items to change them
8. Don`t complain
9. Jot down all your expenses everyday - see how much you`re spending on what. You will be able to get a general idea of your daily expenses.
10. Did I mention - don`t complain?

Exciting rules, eh?

As you can see, this is a good exercise for me as I`ll be learning to stop myself from shopping, save money and re-use my clothes that I already have.

I`m writing this on Day 5, and I can tell you so far its been good. Struggled at first when on Monday morning (Day 1), I got this posted through the door:

I couldn`t believe it!! ESPECIALLY, when the small booklet was about workwear!!! It was almost as if they were taunting me!

Day 2 - was better though - I did check out fashion blogs/sites etc, but it didn`t make me want to buy anything! 

Day 3 - I did buy some equipment for my camera - but, that doesn`t count!

Day 4 - Didn`t shop!

I will update this post throughout the month. 

Anybody else doing anything like me at the moment? Please say yes!


Update - 12 October 2012

Hey Whirlers! How are you all? Can you believe its been 12 days and I`ve actually survived almost two weeks without going into a retail store?! I`m seriously amazed! I think it helps I`ve kept myself busy with other things...and, I`ve avoided going into town during my lunch hour at work. That most definitely helps, hah. 

Another two more weeks!!

Hope you`re all behaving, too...only fair! 


Update - 18 October 2012

Another week has passed and I haven`t been in a retail store - how amazing is that? Not long left!! I do have  a small list of things to buy, but I`m learning not to be extravagant and spend all my money on clothes. I have made so many new outfits with my current wardrobe! Love it!

Hope everyone is well and not shopping, a lot either!!


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