Wednesday, September 26, 2012

MW's Neutrogena Visibly Clear Moisturiser


Everyone knows my obsession with Neutrogena's Visibly Clear Face Scrub, where I did a review here and here, so when I discovered the matching moisturising cream, I bought it, and shared my excitement with you here

Due to the excitement, I purchased this in bulk, thinking it would be just as amazing as the face scrub, however, much to my dismay, it was a disappointment.

But, I`m Asian, and I have to use my money's worth, so I stuck it out, and have been using it ruthlessly! 
(I have one in my handbag - ideal for when I do wudhu outside of home, I have given one to mum - she doesn`t like it either and FINALLY nearly finished this one)

The texture was exceedingly light, much lighter than my usual Olay Daily Moisturising Fluid, but because of this, I had to use a lot per application to cover my entire face (I don`t think my face is that big!), which is bad  because you shouldn`t have to use a lot of product to cover your entire face, BUT, its good - because the product is pretty rubbish and I didn`t want to use it for very long - so the quicker I can finish, the better! 

The packaging states the cream is a 'daily facial moisturiser with a fresh fragrance that hydrates, clears and refreshes for a beautifully clear and healthy looking skin everyday'.

Fresh fragrance - It has the same smell as the facial scrub, which initially smells fantastic first thing in the morning and very refreshing, but after a while, it gets boring and doesn`t smell exciting. It also made my skin sting a little bit - I don`t know what that was about?

Hydrates, clears and refreshes - I`m not entirely sure if it hydrated my skin as it didn`t really make much of a difference - and surely drinking plenty of water is what keeps the skin hydrated?! 
The cream has salicylic acid, which is great for reducing marks, which was the determining factor for me to purchase the cream - I thought it would aid the reduction of marks faster(!). But, it really didn`t! It made no added difference to my skin. And, this is why I`m disappointed with the product.
It was refreshing though, but after a while, you do get used to it. 

Beautifully clear and healthy looking skin everyday - As previously stated above, it didn`t really help clear my skin, but as the product is 'oil-free' it did keep the skin from clogging up further - in that respect the product was good. It was also pretty good as a base for make up as the product absorbed pretty quickly into the skin.

Another thing I didn`t like about this product is that there is no SPF included, which I find annoying. I`m a massive fan of SPF and the benefits it entails, so when my basic face cream is missing this? It is instantly not a great product for me. I try not to wear foundation as I like to keep my pores clog free, so I actively seek SPF in my face creams, to protect my skin from the harsh sun rays. But, as this product misses the SPF, I`ve had to be extra cautious and consciously ensure I wear foundation or sun protection on top of my face cream! So, that`s a MAJOR negative for me, in respect of this face cream.

Would I purchase this product again? No, the face scrub is amazing, but the moisturising cream is a let down in comparison, and my skin didn`t change dramatically, which sucks. Once I have finished this cream, I will go back to purchasing my Olay moisturising lotion, which I feel my skin is better suited to.

How about you? Have you tried this cream? I know, chocoholic-hijabi's sister tried it out and didn`t seem fond of it, either! Check out her funny review here

Can you recommend YOUR face cream to me?


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