Sunday, September 2, 2012

MW Visits the Ice Cream Festival

Helllooo Whirlers,

You know those days when you spontaneously decide to do something? I had one of those days and decided to check out the Ice Cream Festival in Kings Cross! So, I sent out a message to the girls to see if any were free and Chocoholic Hijabi got back and said she was! Next thing I know, I`m jumping on a train and waltzing into St Pancras to meet her! As I was waiting for Choccy, I discovered a PINK PIANO! I totally had to pose with it:
(click on photos to enlarge)

The Festival was held at Granary Square in King's Cross! Took Choccy and myself a while to find it and we did end up going around in a circle - whoops!

This board has the background behind the Ice Cream Festival and how ice cream was brought to London! Pretty interesting, really.

There were a few cows dotted around the Festival, and I just had to pose with one!

The man in the old fashioned car was one of the shows there. We did miss this show, actually. But, we got this jist of it from afar - about creating ice cream with nitrogen oxide.

There was a farm there, too. Where you could actually pet the goats, sheep, etc... Errrr, not to my taste - but I did give a go at milking a cow - not a real one, obviously! I`d be FAR too scared to do that! 

The cow had rubber teets, so I`m pretty sure milking a real cow is not as easy as that!

There was a beach on Granary Square, too! Filled with kids! 

But, this man was making a pretty nifty cow-sofa with the sand - how cool?

There was an ice sculpture, too...of an ice cream. How amazing? The way the men were chipping away at the ice, they made it look so easy! I really wanted to have a go :(

We both decided to try a 'Coconut and Caramel' Ice Cream - was seriously nom!

Because, there was a fountain there and I just HADDDD to get in and pose!!

Oh, and then I ran through it...totally wanting to race the small Asian girl, hehe.

We did check out this show - the Science Boffins. It was all about creating ice cream under 5 minutes. It took us a little longer as we didn`t get a lot of dry ice, but when we did - we were able to make it. You can see the different stages into the ice cream making in the collage. But, the Science Boffins are totally cool - they do children's parties and stuff! How different is that? If I hear any kids having parties, I would recommend these guys to the parents. So entertaining and education in a fun way!

Towards the end of the day, we got hungry (can you believe ice cream doesn`t fill you up?!?) and we got a pizza from Van Dough, a retro Citroen van that had a wood fired oven in the back! The pizza was yummy because it was freshly baked and had fresh basil sprinkled on top. Mmm. The guy who served us was really friendly, which is always a bonus, and the girl who was preparing the pizzas in the van, had flour on her cheek - haha, so cliche! Make sure you look out for them in the future when you go to any outdoor-sy events!

What do you think? Should I share more photos from my outings? Did any of you go?


[Any photos without me, taken by myself and any with me, courtesy of Choccy!]

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