Wednesday, September 19, 2012

MW and LilMissRosh Have Dinner


Hope you`re all whirling in happiness at the moment! Work has been taking over my life currently. From chilling at home, travelling and spending my parents money for 6-7 months...I finally sat up and decided to get a job. Its been fun, though!! Working with amazing girls in the office - and, I love finding new hijab friendly outfits which are office appropriate. Will have to do a separate post and share!

Anyway, on with the post! So, I heard Lil Miss Rosh was working down South. I got in touch and we decided to meet up in Brighton for dinner. Obviously, my Canon was slung over my shoulder and ready to capture the evening:
(click photos to enlarge)

Rosh is a fussy eater, doesn`t like Chinese or Thai, only eats Indian, Mexican or Italian and she`s you see what I mean? Had my work cut out to find a nice restaurant!

She`s Indian, so safest bet was to go to a Gujrati restaurant, in my opinion - so thats what we did!

We were given a spicy vegetable soup, whilst our starter was being prepared. It was in a TINY cup, probably same size as an espresso cup.

I obviously saw mango juice on the drinks menu and had to order it! Rosh had a salty lassi which was served in a tin can! That was pretty cool. For starters, Rosh ordered a Vegetable Dosa (I think) and it was presented on a massive taal! I tried a little bit, tasted really nice - if I ever go to a Gujrati restaurant, I will definitely order this.

I ordered the Bhel Puri, which was surprisingly nice, and was a small risk as I`m lactose intolerant and it was drizzled with yoghurt! But, the mixture of textures from the savoury, to potatoes to sauces was really nice. Unfortunately, neither of us could finish our starters! 

Whilst we were waiting for our main course, we were given Mango Sherbet in these cute little pots - they were really yummy, too. But, lets be fair, anything with mango in, is yummy! 

We then had our main courses, which consisted of Rosh getting the Vegeterian Taal and I ordered the Chingri Malai. 

Us eating our food.

We both really enjoyed our meal. As I`m bit of a fatty, I finished my meal (except the beans - they were too hard for my liking) but Rosh wasn`t able to and took the remainder as a takeaway. 

The restaurant:

We decided to take a stroll along the seafront, even though it was a little cold! But, the view was amazing!! Check it out:

And, of course a photo of us:

Hope you enjoyed this post! Sorry the last few posts have been food related! I`ve been trying to do different things on the blog, and lately, the only 'social' thing I`ve been doing is, going for meals! 

OOTN from the evening will come later this week! :)

Make sure you check out Rosh's blog

Should I do foodie posts? Or, not? Have you tried any of the dishes? What`s your favourite Indian restaurant in London?


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