Tuesday, July 17, 2012

MW has 100 Followers! Yay *giveawayalert*


A massive thank you to everyone who has followed me and made me reach 100!!! I'm so happy! 


But, a thank you can't be done without a giveaway!! But, you have to get creative to be in with a chance to win a MangoWhirl Surprise Box! It will be filled with fun things, that I love and I hope you Whirlers would love, too. I promise it will be cute and fun! :)

Heres the deal:

1. You have to be a follower of my blog.

2. You have to style an outfit and take a photo of it. 


Go over to Polyvore and create a modest outfit of your choice. 

- One item has to be something on trend.
- It doesn`t have to include a hijab/scarf, but modest, yes.
- Create a title for it.
- Get really creative.

- Here are a few examples, that I quickly rustled up (but obviously I want yours to look better):

Upload your photo or take a screenshot, save it (if Polyvore) and then email attach it to me at: mangowhirl@gmail.com 

Title the email as 'MangoWhirl Surprise Entry'.

3. Comment below that you have followed me and emailed me an outfit.

4. In the same box, comment something you would like to see on my bloggy.

The person who I think has the most creative/stylish outfit, most helpful feedback towards blog, will be the winner.

Please read the rules before entering, Whirlers!

1. The competition starts from 17 July 2012 at 10.45pm (UK Time).
2. The competition ends on 14 August 2012 at 10.45pm (UK Time).
3. You must be a follower of my blog.
4. Competition WILL be open internationally, so even you beloveds over in Malaysia, enter!! ;)
5. If you do submit a photo, please do state if you do not want your face to be shown on my blog - I do understand and can relate as I waltz around with a 'MW' on mine!) You can either blur it out/put a smiley face on it, or let me know and I`ll cover it.
6. Winner will be announced by 17 August 2012 11.59pm (UK Time) and you have ONE week to contact me with your details, as obviously I want to get the prize out to you asap!
7. You must do ALL three parts of the competition (1. Follower of blog, 2. Submit a modest outfit and 3. Submit a comment with suggestion.)
8. If you miss any of them, there is a chance your entry will not be considered :(
9. If I miss anything out, I will add to this list! Its the first time I`m doing a giveaway, so do bear with me.
10. Finally, HAVE FUN with it!

I want to be inspired by my Whirlers for outfits, so make them good! ;)

Also, I`m over on Facebook now so make sure you like my page, follow me on Twitter and instagram (@mangowhirl).

Get creative, Whirlers. Have fun.

And, have a blessed Ramadhan :)


P.S. If there are any queries, please do email/tweet me, I`m very good with replying! :)

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