Saturday, July 21, 2012

MW Organises Her Scarves

Whirlers, how is everyone doing? 

I think I did a post on this when I first started blogging, but here is how I organise my scarves now:

1. I put the ones I use on an everyday basis into baskets, colour co-ordinated, so I can get them easily. They are also placed on-top of my everyday clothes so I can match them to outfits efficiently.

2. These are my plain pashmina scarves. I don`t really wear these as I prefer my patterned, lightweight scarves. These are piled up and arranged in such a way where I can see all the colours at one go.

3. Here in the lower shelf, I keep the scarves I rarely wear. Because, of this, they get put into containers with lids so they stay dust-free. But, I ensure they are clear containers so I can still see the colours.

How do you organise your scarves? Do you also have a system? Colour co-ordinated? Or, do you just shove them into a drawer?


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