Sunday, July 22, 2012

MW's July Wash Bag


Following my 'July Make Up Bag' post, I thought it would not be complete without doing a bath and body one, too!

So these are the items that have been making an appearance in my daily routine!

1. Boots Coconut and Almond Stay-in Conditioner
I have been using this for a while, its a great taming tool I use as I have fairly knotty hair, and I like it because its light and doesn`t weigh my hair down.
(I also use the shampoo and conditioner of this range, too. For the same reasons.) Another reason why I reach for this is because I love coconuts. I love the smell of them. So exotic and summery!

2. Olay Complete Care Daily Fluid
I can`t use thick moisturisers as I feel it stops my skin from breathing, so I`ve always kept coming back to Olay as it is so light and non-greasy. Their range is fantastic and its something my mum has used from a young age, too...and she, masha`Allah, looks fantastic. I hope I`ll look great like her if I follow the same routine as her! I also use this as a base for make up, simply because it is quick drying, non-shiny and has SPF (which is really important).

3. Soltan Sun Block SPF 50
SPF's are worn by me, everyday, EVEN in the winter. The sun rays are deadly and ages people, which won`t show until our old age. By then, being too late. So, I try to avoid this by wearing sun block now. I was on the hunt for SPF 100, but to no avail and had to settle for SPF 50. Make sure you all wear SPF. Its great that nowadays make up have SPF included, so you don`t have to think about it too much! I use this for mostly the exposed areas, forearms, hands and feet. 

4.  Nivea Q10 Firming Body Oil
I`m obsessed with firming lotions/oils. Its a great tool to have when you`re exercising, in my opinion. As you`re toning up, I feel the firming lotion helps 'tighten'. I use this after I shower, and its just soooooo soft on my skin. Love it. 

5. Palmers Olive Butter Body Lotion
Another favourite of mine, is anything with olives in it. I love olive products, but hate the actual food olive! But, this is basically a body butter in a bottle. It has that thicker consistency, which I use on my legs, arms and feet, as these areas tend to get more dry than other parts of my body. 

6. Nivea Q1o Firming Body Lotion
I use this along side my Body Oil, but on an everyday basis, and its so soft! The smell is light, which is good, as I don`t really like heavy smells, except for coconuts or mangoes(!). I think the firming lotion by Nivea is fab. Has anyone else tried it?

7. Neutrogena Grapefruit Face Scrub
This is my go-to face wash. If I don`t use this, I feel like I haven`t washed my face properly. I have been using this for years. I recommend it to everyone as it is simply amazing. It gets rid of marks on your face, which is the main reason I buy this. I`ve always tried other face washes, but they never leave me quite as satisfied as this. And, the smell? DIVINE. Really wakes you up!

8. Simple Shower Gel
I love Simple range. Skin always feels so good after wearing exfoliating gloves and using this. Not harsh on skin, whatsoever. Simply refreshing. I actually purchased the mint Simple shower gel, but I`ve been waiting for this one to finish before I move on, so I`m really excited for that.

Do you use any of these products? Did you dislike something that I loved? Do you think I`m silly for loving firming lotions? (!)


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