Saturday, January 28, 2012

MW's Snapshot Saturday

Salam :)

I`m REALLY sorry for not replying to comments, I am reading them with a smile on my face, but I`ve been so hectic with life at the moment, my bloggy has taken a backseat, but I have a few scheduled posts lined up, so please do bear with me...and, I will babble away properly after I get back from my trip.

Hectic week, haven`t really taken photos :(

1. Went to Westfields in Stratford City, I really like this map they have on the wall facing the escalators as you`re going down to the mens section in Primark. Its a cartoon version of London.
2. STILL packing. I`ve come to the conclusion, I can never be able to travel light for ANY trip!! *annoying*
3. Just the outfit I wore when I went to Westfields, I`m actually in the H&M changing rooms lol. But, I wore black trousers, black jersey long vest, an animal print chiffon blouse over that, black blazer and my brown ballerina pumps to match that brown handbag.
4. This was a photo of a hijab stall in Whitechapel Market that I sent to my BFF who lives in the Midlands, I got caught taking the photo. *awkward* lol.

I`m SO silly. I had been craving gbk for over a week, and I had some when I went to Westfields, but I COMPLETELY forgot to take a photo. Bottoms :(

Anyway, hope you`re all well.
I`m uncertain about access to the internet on my trip so I may not be able to do my 'Snapshot Saturday' for a couple of weeks *sadface* but, if I can, I will definitely try!!

How has your week been?


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