Monday, January 2, 2012

MW's EOTD: Au Natural Sleek Palette

Whirlers :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Lets kick the year off, with an EOTD!

To achieve this look, I used the five shades in the palette which have been circled:
CONKER = green
HONEYCOMB = lilac 
TAUPE = blue
NOIR = pink

These are the 6 brushes I used to create this look.

1. I applied eyeshadow primer on just the eyelid, I used Urban Decay Primer Potion.

2. Using the 'a' brush, I applied 'CONKER', which is the shade circled in green, all over the eyelid.

3. Using the 'b' angled brush, I applied 'MINERAL EARTH' (yellow) to the outer corner, concentrating on creating a triangle. I also drew a smudged line on the lower lash line in the same shade.

4. Using the 'c' brush, I applied 'MINERAL EARTH' (yellow) filling in the triangle  towards the 3/4 mark.

5. I then used the 'a' brush again and blended the two colour together, concentrating on 'CONKER' (green) going over the 1/2 line and into the 3/4 line. 

6. For more definition, I used 'NOIR' (pink) with the 'b' brush in the outer corner. Only a little bit is required.

7. Using a fluffy brush (which, I do not own) but I make do with my 'd' brush, I blended the edge out in small circular motions upwards, ensuring there were no harsh lines.

8. I then used my 'e' brush and applied 'TAUPE' (blue) to the inner corner (1/4) and blended it in with the 'CONKER' (green). I also applied the 'TAUPE' to the inner lower lash line, meeting the darker line from point 3.

9. Using my 'f' brush, I applied 'HONEYCOMB' (lilac) as a highlighter under my eyebrows and made sure its blended with my my eyeshadow softly.

10. Eyeliner, mascara, concealer and eyebrows defined...and, its done.

What do you think? Was this difficult to follow? What other colour combinations do you think is possible from this palette?


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