Thursday, February 2, 2012

MW Goes Ice Skating

Whirlers!! I`ve missed you! I`ve been pretty busy for the last few weeks and will be for another few more weeks, unfortunately! Hope everyone is well. Couple of weeks ago, I went to the Tiffany & Co. Ice Skating Rink at Somerset House in London and it was AMAZEBALLS. LOVED IT.

I went during the day, so it wasn`t as crowded, which gave me more confidence on the ice and I was actually not bad for once. I usually hold onto the side for the ENTIRE session, but last week I even surprised myself lol and rarely held onto the side. I think thats why I enjoyed myself, I wasn`t a wuss lol. But, I DID fall, RIGHT at the end. Even the Ice Marshall was surprised I fell lol! 

Its such a fun thing to do with friends/family. Theres a tuck/coffee shop so people who aren`t so keen on the ice skating can sit inside and watch in the warmth from the side. Honestly, go! Its so much fun!

I`ve uploaded a few pics from the day. Enjoy :)
(click photos to enlarge)

Have any of your guys been ice skating lately?

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