Saturday, January 7, 2012

MW's Snapshot Saturday

My week:

1. A new face wash I`ve been trying out since the 1st of January. A product review will be posted after I`ve trailed it for a month. So, look out for that. :)
2. If you follow my blog, you will know that getting back into photography was one of my resolutions, so I purchased a timer/remote thingy bob. Expect more OOTD's, hopefully!
3. Again, similar to 2, but this was a gift from a dear friend of mine, who has always supported/encouraged me in what I wanted to do (regardless of how crazy and wacky it could be, although, they did often tell me the Islamic perspective of my idea's - so it always grounded that crazy head of mine) and they sent this as a gift to me. Insha`Allah, I`ll make good use of it! And, thank you so much, if you`re reading this. :)
4. Revision.....again. Boo.

Other updates:
Weather has been AWFUL where I live, and looking at the news reports, I`m guessing it was the same all over the country. Hope everyone has stayed safe and no one's house/property were damaged. 

Damp hijabs? NO, THANK YOU. Because, I`ve stayed at home and stayed warm wearing just my slippers around the house, I`ve injured my plantar fascia, again :( Thats the tissue that creates the arch in your foot. So, when the tissue becomes overused, it will cause pain and its called 'plantar fasciitis'. So, I often avoid injuring it by wearing heels, however, worn flats, damaged. Sad face.

But, back to damp hijabs, how do you guys overcome this issue? Do you carry another hijab around with you? Please share tips, as I`ve never worn a hijab in such horrendous weather before (being a hijabi newbie).

How was everyone`s new year? In my family, the tradition is, we (its really dorky, so you`ve been warned) switch the lights on and off at midnight for 30 seconds, then we hug each other and watch the fireworks on tv, although this year, the show was 12 minutes long and I got really bored so left after 2 minutes. Whoops. Also, we have the mentality, that if you`re happy at midnight, you`ll be happy for the rest of the year, if you`re miserable, you`ll be like that for the rest of the year...does anybody else have that state of mind about new years? Or, just my family? lol

ALSOOOOO, I`m doing the Photo-a-Day Challenge January 2012 over on Facebook, let me know if you want to see the images. If you do, I`ll come up with something, to show them on blogger.


This has been my longest 'Snapshot Saturday' - anything to avoid revision, eh?

How has your week been? Comment below, I love talking to you girlies! :)


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