Friday, February 1, 2013

MW's Top Tips - How to Embrace the Hijab

This is a new feature that I want to try out, we`ll see how it goes. Its going to be my top tips on styling an outfit, to organising your wardrobe, to whatever you guys want - so email me your requests to


Today is National Hijab Day, so to support this day, I have decided to do my first top tips on how to embrace the hijab!

I`ve been very closed about my hijab story, something which I am still not prepared to share on my blog. However, the transition period for me to embrace this beautiful step took 1-2 years in total - it does seem like a lot, doesnt it? But, I believe because of how I prepared myself for this step I`ve never felt insecure in my hijab, never felt the desire to remove it nor felt 'ugly' wearing it, Alhamdulilah.

So, read on for my tips! :)

1. Prepare your wardrobe in advance
When I say in advance I don`t mean a day before, I`m talking a year or so! This way, you`ll have four seasons worth of attire ready in your wardrobe when you`re about to make that next step.
  • Start investing in looser clothes, maxi skirts, longer tops, maxi scarves, oversized cardigans, etc.
  • If you wear vest tops at the moment, start to slowly wearing capped sleeves only in public, then gradually to 3/4 sleeves, etc - this way, you`ll slowly adjust to wearing longer sleeves. This gradual process will be great in the summer, when you`d be more inclined towards wearing vest tops because of how hot it is. If you`re wearing longer sleeves in warmer weather, you`ll adapt to this, and won`t feel overwhelmed once you`re a hijabi in the heat. And, the same for transitioning for skirts/shorts. 
  • Accessories play a big part for wearing the hijab - longer necklaces, cocktail rings, bangles, etc. These will be the items that will stand out as a hijabi.
  • Get all your hijab pins before! Different sizes, different colours, etc. Organisation is key.
I liked this approach because when I put the hijab on, I already had ideas about outfits, I had everything ready. I was organised about the step so I didn`t feel overwhelmed. Also, people weren`t 'shocked' that I put the hijab on as I was already fairly conservatively dressed. 

2. Start wearing scarves draped over your neck
I`m claustrophobic, so I started doing this from early on when I first started thinking about wanting to put the hijab on. I would match all my outfits to the scarf, but just have it draped around my neck in different styles.
Not only will this adjust you to the extra weight of a scarf, but it will get you into the habit of covering your chest - which is great even for a non-hijabi as we all like to cover our awra. 
Plus, scarves are a fab accessory to your outfit!

Check out celeb inspiration on scarves:

3. Wear the hijab around the house
After you do Salah, instead of taking the hijab off, keep it on - sooner or later you`ll forget you`re still wearing it until you catch yourself in the mirror.
Not only this, but your family will slowly adjust themselves to you wearing the hijab. 

4. Snap yourself hijab happy!
Take photos of yourself wearing the hijab. Familiarise yourself with your face shape, get an idea of what sort of scarf style will suit your face, experiment with different styles and materials. If you take photos, you can see yourself what looks good and what you`ll feel confident with. That way, when you leave the house wearing the scarf, you won`t feel self-concious as you would have got an idea of what suits you and you`ll have a visual image of what others are seeing..

5. Hijab is JUST a cloth
Most importantly, always remember that the hijab doesn`t define you as a Muslimah. 
Your deeds and thoughts are what define you. 
I don`t appreciate sisters who think they`re better than non-hijabi sisters - we have no right to judge someone because they sin differently to us. We also don`t know what they`re doing behind closed doors, nor can we see into their heart.  They could be more pious than you and I, but they could be faced with struggles. Everyone struggles differently, we`re not allowed to judge.
So, as long as your heart is pure, the hijab should be an easy day.

I hope my tips help and insha'Allah you will take this beautiful step. 

I understand putting the hijab on is a very difficult step, but just remember, Islam wasn`t given to our beloved Prophet in one day, it was given in small, putting the hijab on? Take baby steps, don`t overwhelm yourself. :)

If you would like to talk about this step on a more personal level, then please email me, I`m here to talk...well, email :)

If you would like more of these tips, let me know! 


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