Today's post is on the Sleek Contour Kit (SCK) - which I absolutely adore. If you don`t have one in your make up collection, I genuinely don`t know what you are doing with your life! Go buy one and embrace the wonderful life of contouring!!

This is the heavily applied swatch of the SCK:
There are fifty three shades available of the SCK:
Retailing at around £6.49 on Sleek's website or in Superdrug where if you buy in-store you can also get 10% off with a valid student card.

There tends to be a wary approach by girls when it comes to contouring, especially as it is such a daunting colour being applied to their faces. Not wanting to look stupid, unfortunately, girls back away from the SCK, but its SUCH FUN, I promise.
Looking at these three palettes side by side, the darkest can look pretty frightening, however, hopefully this post will put a little more confidence in you girls who are afraid to contour because they don`t want to put such a dark colour on their cheeks.
In general, these SCK are amazing. They last all day, a light powder that is buildable and the perfect shades of matte brown. What I love about these SCK, is that the kit lasts for such a long time! I use the light highlighter on an everyday basis and it doesn`t even look like it has been touched. Little product that goes a long way - perfect. I`ve used other contour/bronzing kits, and this hands down beats them - I always run back to this. One thing, like any other powder based product, I have to wait for my moisturising cream/foundation to settle before I apply the SCK - otherwise I get dark patches on my face, which looks awful. However, at £6.49, you can`t go wrong with such a fab kit.
First, I`m going to share swatches of the SCK side by side, heavily applied and then, blended, so you can see that even the dark SCK isn`t so bad on medium skin colour.
(Just to keep you aware, I wear NC30/35 Mac Foundation/Concealer.)This is the heavily applied swatch of the SCK:
Blended swatch:
Each shade in more detail:
The problem with light matte brown on my skintone is that, even after heavily applied it is JUST about visible. With contouring and bronzing, the key rule is to build up the colour until you`re happy with the end result, but if after heavily applying and I`m still not happy with the end result - its no, no from me. That being said, I adore the light highlighter on my skintone - makes me look so much more radiant and its what I use on a day-to-day basis, actually.
This is obviously perfect for lighter skintoned girls - so, if you are one of the girls who is afraid to contour and light, then buy this, and fall in love with contouring. Build confidence with a light colour and once you`re happy and love it - move upto medium!
The problem with light matte brown on my skintone is that, even after heavily applied it is JUST about visible. With contouring and bronzing, the key rule is to build up the colour until you`re happy with the end result, but if after heavily applying and I`m still not happy with the end result - its no, no from me. That being said, I adore the light highlighter on my skintone - makes me look so much more radiant and its what I use on a day-to-day basis, actually.
This is obviously perfect for lighter skintoned girls - so, if you are one of the girls who is afraid to contour and light, then buy this, and fall in love with contouring. Build confidence with a light colour and once you`re happy and love it - move upto medium!
I think Medium is the perfect colour for my skintone, it creates the perfect balance of darkness and light. It looks like a natural colour on my skin tone. This is a great colour, that you can build up and create a darker shadow - which is fantastic when you`re feeling a little more daring.
If you have similar skin tone to myself, then please buy this kit and experiment with contouring. Start off with a light application and build it up until you`re happy - you won`t be disappointed with this colour.
I think Medium is the perfect colour for my skintone, it creates the perfect balance of darkness and light. It looks like a natural colour on my skin tone. This is a great colour, that you can build up and create a darker shadow - which is fantastic when you`re feeling a little more daring.
If you have similar skin tone to myself, then please buy this kit and experiment with contouring. Start off with a light application and build it up until you`re happy - you won`t be disappointed with this colour.
GAH. ARGHHHH. This is quite literally my favourite EVER SCK. I`m quite daring when it comes to contouring and I apply it SO heavily so I can have that really chiselled effect. I do make it look more Edward Scissorhands than Kim Kardashian, though but I don`t care - I love applying it and I have such fun doing it. In the swatch, it does look scary, but once blended it looks completely fine. I apply the dark brown matte and the light highlighter together and I love the end result - such a contrast but looks so good!
On days when I`m too lazy to contour, I apply the dark highlighter on my cheeks for a nice bronzed effect - looks great on medium skintones!
If you`re medium skintoned and love contouring and bronzing - then use the Dark SCK - you will love, and not look back!
Wow - sorry thats a really lengthy post, but I love the SCK and I had to share!
If you want to know how I contour and bronze, check out my photo tutorial here.
and, if you want to see a video, check out a recent video tutorial here.
Let me know if you use it, and if you don`t - then go buy it and let me know what you think - so comment below. I always reply :)
P.S. Make sure to like my Facebook Page.
P.S.1. Also, are you following this blog? If not, click here to do so.
P.S.2. I`m over on Twitter and Instagram under username @mangowhirl, so search and follow, please :)
On days when I`m too lazy to contour, I apply the dark highlighter on my cheeks for a nice bronzed effect - looks great on medium skintones!
If you`re medium skintoned and love contouring and bronzing - then use the Dark SCK - you will love, and not look back!
Wow - sorry thats a really lengthy post, but I love the SCK and I had to share!
If you want to know how I contour and bronze, check out my photo tutorial here.
and, if you want to see a video, check out a recent video tutorial here.
Let me know if you use it, and if you don`t - then go buy it and let me know what you think - so comment below. I always reply :)
P.S. Make sure to like my Facebook Page.
P.S.1. Also, are you following this blog? If not, click here to do so.
P.S.2. I`m over on Twitter and Instagram under username @mangowhirl, so search and follow, please :)
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