Monday, August 13, 2012

MW's Week on Instagram


I used to do 'Snapshot Saturday's but after I went abroad earlier this year, I stopped. But, I think I`ll start doing it again! But, as I`m over on iIstagram and not everyone has it, I thought I would share the photos I upload on that! 

So here is last week in photos:

1. I went to Whitechapel and purchased a few scarves from the market. Totally loving them. I`m wearing the teal one right now.
2. A couple of primary school friends were in the village on Friday evening, so I went and saw them to catch up, I noticed one friends nails, and thought they were TOTALLY cute and so Team GB inspired!
3. My neglected drawer at work due to Ramadhan! But, can you believe only a week left?? This blessed month takes so long to come, but leaves us soooo quickly! :(
4. Haha, I thought I`d add my face. This is a pouty/sad face as I arrived at work and realised I wasn`t wearing any bronzer!! *sadtimes*

How was your week?


P.S. I tweeted yesterday I wouldn`t post until after Eid, whoops. I lied.

P.S. 1. My blog giveaway ends tomorrow at 10.45pm. Have you entered? If not, do so here.

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