Thursday, November 14, 2013

MW's Snaps at Numera's Walima

Helllllloooo Whirlers,

I have missed you guys all so much! I have been MIA and I sincerely apologise. Life had completely taken over and I feel like I can now breathe a little! Hope everyone is well?!

This blogpost will be dedicated to one of the main girls in my life, Numera, who recently got married and we were all blessed and fortunate enough to be included in the next step of her life. I met Numera at the first bloggers meet up. Myself, Safiyah, Numera and Asmaa clicked, and we haven`t looked back since. Numera is probably the calm one out of us lot, besides Asmaa. She has such a beautiful soul and masha`Allah so patient. So when she asked if I would be happy to take photos for her, how could I refuse?

I was also kindly granted permission to share these photos on my blog, so, please take a moment and have a look through Numera's Walima photos and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking these:

My Rani, Safiyah did the make up for the wedding and walima, and if you`re interested in having a closer look, please have a look at here

Hope you enjoyed these photos.



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