Friday, June 1, 2012

MW's OOTD: Summer Lovin`

Whirlers :)

Hellllooo, 1st of June! Its the first time in SO long that I don`t have exams around this time of year, but I still have the butterflies in my stomach for my friends who are all in exam-mode at the moment! So, I hope everyone that has exams currently are revising hard and are only checking this page out on a well deserved break! :p

On with the post, I got given this gorgeous light dip hemmed maxi cardigan from F21, and I just had to share! Its perfect for summer!

Because it is SUCH a bright tangerine colour (which cant be seen in these photos) I kept it simple with black and nude. 


Black t-shirt: H&M
Black trousers: Zara
Maxi cardigan: F21
Shoes: New Look
Clutch: New Look
Accessories: F21/H&M
Hijab: eBay

What do you think? How else would you wear this cardigan?


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