Monday, June 25, 2012

MW's Birthday and Life Lesson


I`m getting old :( 
It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and I don`t make a big deal out of it, but my Mama Bear is TOTALLY into her baking, and she wanted an excuse to bake a cake. So, myself and the family just cut the cake on my birthday. Nothing fancy. Just me and cake. Mmm. Nom, nom, nom. Hehe.

So, obviously, I have to share a few snaps from the day: 
The amazeball cake Mama Bear made for me.
And, I was also playing around with a 50mm Canon lense here.
I clearly need to practise more lol.

Here I am with the cake Mama Bear made. I tried to get my scarf to match the
ribbon/decorations on the cake lollll.

And, also, I was ADAMANT for only a SINGLE candle! I truly am getting old. Wah.
Anyway, birthdays are always a test for me, simply because, when I was younger until I was 21, I used to make such a big deal about it. I would have birthday lists written up. I would send wish list emails to the nearest and dearest. If, I didn`t get lots of love and affection I would cry (LOL! So embarrassing looking back now!).

However, since embracing Islam and learning more about our beautiful religion, I stopped showing an interest in my birthday, and for the last few years, I`ve treated it as a normal day, in fact, not enjoying the attention it brings towards me.

This attitude taught me something:
'Don`t have expectations in life. Simply replace it with appreciation and you`ll see how blessed you are. Alhamdulilah.'

And, its true, once I eliminated the birthday lists, wanting it to be all about me and the parties, I was able to step outside the box, and observe that the people dearest to me, actually DO care about me. 

I was able to appreciate the moments, the people, the efforts and the love that are in my life. 

I was able to see how truly blessed I am.

So, Whirlers, lets lose the expectations we have in life, and start to appreciate the things Allah has bestowed upon us. 



Wednesday, June 13, 2012

MW's OOTD: Peachy Paisley

Hellloooo Whirlers!!

I went out for lunch with my friend, we went and ate at Las Iguanas. One of my favourite places, as they do the best Apple Mojito! Mmm.

Here are a few snaps from the day:
1. Happy Hour!! <3
2. What my friend ate, Blazin` Bird with chips and coleslaw.
3. My dish, Chicken Fajita`s! Mmm.
4. Dessert, Chocolate Fudge Cake.
I took a few pictures of my outfit, and this is the usual attire I would wear for a lunch out with a girlfriend. A blazer thrown over a blouse and heels.


What I wore:
Blazer:  Forever 21
Blouse: H&M
Bodycon Dress (as the blouse was short):H&M
Chinos: Zara
Shoes: New Look
Accessories: H&M
Hijab: Dhaka

What do you wear when you go out with your girlfriends?


Thursday, June 7, 2012

MW's OOTD: Man(go)Made Maxi ;)


I had a project at the back of my mind for a while, but the other day, a friend of mine totally inspired me to get creative and get on with it, soooo, I proceeded with and ended up sewing myself a maxi skirt out of my Ma`s kameez.

I shaped  the panels, so it would flow out towards the bottom and  I added a piece of elastic at the back, to form a shape, and to basically not fall off my hips.
I took a few snaps of me sewing it and then OOTD (duh) of it, check it out!

Ohhhh, its finally coming together!!


I think its not bad for a first attempt of making a skirt!
I had two TINY slits at the bottom, just to make it a little different. 

Vest: H&M
Blazer: H&M
Maxi Skirt: MangoWhirl (lolll)
Hijab: Zara
Accessories: H&M/Forever 21

What do you guys think?


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

MW's OOTD: Why Hey-ya Sailor!


So, I went out for a trip into Brighton with my beloved best friend, and I thought my outfit was perfect for the seaside lol. Very nautical. Yet girly, I think. Its the first time I was trying the nautical look! 

So here, check it out, and let me know what you think? 

Vest: H&M
Boyfriend blazer:H&M
Maxi skirt: Primark
Belt: Primark
Hijab: eBay
Accessories: H&M/Forever 21

I would chuck a tan bag with this outfit and probably some cute sandals, too.

(Yes, I`m aware I`m really short *cryface*)


Friday, June 1, 2012

MW's OOTD: Summer Lovin`

Whirlers :)

Hellllooo, 1st of June! Its the first time in SO long that I don`t have exams around this time of year, but I still have the butterflies in my stomach for my friends who are all in exam-mode at the moment! So, I hope everyone that has exams currently are revising hard and are only checking this page out on a well deserved break! :p

On with the post, I got given this gorgeous light dip hemmed maxi cardigan from F21, and I just had to share! Its perfect for summer!

Because it is SUCH a bright tangerine colour (which cant be seen in these photos) I kept it simple with black and nude. 


Black t-shirt: H&M
Black trousers: Zara
Maxi cardigan: F21
Shoes: New Look
Clutch: New Look
Accessories: F21/H&M
Hijab: eBay

What do you think? How else would you wear this cardigan?
