Monday, May 28, 2012

MW Goes Out With Her #bbloggers


Hope everyone is well!

Last week, I met up with a few #bbloggers and obviously the company was amazing so the day was so much fun!

We had lunch at a Lebanese place and then a couple of the girls had shisha outdoors. Following this, we strolled into Superdrug to take advantage of their current 3 for 3 on beauty products! 

Here a few snaps from the day:
All of the girls.
Me and frootibeauty.
Gosh, us again. Posing away.
With the beloved dollymixdiaries who was visiting from the Middle East!
Dolly, I peek you watching me take a photo of Frooti!!
My purchases from the day!
I bought:
Sleek Oh So Special Palette
Sleek Face Form Contour Kit in Dark
L'Oreal Super Liner in Intense Black
MUA Bronzer in Shade 2
I`ll do a post on a FOTD using the products purchased!

So, those were a few snaps from our day out. I can`t wait for the next meet-up, which is currently being organised, if you`re a blogger and can come into London late June, and would love to meet up then do contact me via my email or twitter, it would be great to meet more girly bloggers!! :)

Has anybody else taken advantage of the 3 for 2 at Superdrug, btw? I saved £8.19! Amazing!! lol.


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