Sunday, May 20, 2012

MW's Baking Time: Macarons

Whirlers <3

Sooo, I made macarons for the first time the other week, and I had to share because I was absolutely surprised that the outcome was half decent.
I kept it boring for the first attempt and just left it at vanilla flavour, because I didn`t want to overwhelm myself lol.
You`re supposed to let a skin form, once you`ve put the mixture onto the baking tray, but I was impatient and only waited 10 minutes, when you were supposed to leave it for 60 minutes. Whoops. But, thats why it didn`t come out perfect :(


This was the final outcome:

Have any of you guys made macarons? What would you recommend for colour/flavourings when I make my next batch?


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