Sunday, February 12, 2012

MW Wishes Congratulations

Hey Guys!

I`m abroad at the moment, and I just wanted to say a 
to one of my besties who is getting engaged today. 

And, I am BEYOND GUTTED I cannot be there to bless her and her partner for the future.

But, I know my beloved reads this at work, so you`ll probably read this once you`re back at work and on a little break, so I just want to let you know I`m so happy for you and him. May Allah make the period from engagement to the wedding day smooth. And, I hope you have a wonderful day. Its the nearly the start of a new adventure!!

Cannot wait to come back and see ALL the pictures! Even from the Hen Weekend! I am there in spirit and will be thinking of you today. 

Love you and miss you, 

P.S. Any marriage tips anyone wants to share? I`m sure EVERYONE loves to read them. Comment below!

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