Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MW's Attempt At FrootiBeauty's Naked Arab Look...

Hey Whirlers! 

Hope everyone is well? I`m currently away at the moment. Probably taking snaps of my family and the scenery! Will share once I`m back. Anyway, on with the post.

I have a beautiful friend called, frootibeauty and she is a MUA. She regularly posts her eye make up and they`re really, I gave one a go: Naked Arab...

Here are her photos (be ready to be blown away):

*beautiful* Masha`Allah

And, now, lollllll, here is my attempt (don`t laugh):

I`m actually really embarrassed to show you this, lol.

But, yeah SOOOOO not as good as Frooti's! I wasn`t able to blend it like hers, nor achieve the right shape. I want to blame my tools, but its just me not being very good lol *cries*

But, that just means, you guys should all check out her blog!
Follow, follow and follow.

What do you guys think? Should I put down the brushes? lol


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