Sunday, February 12, 2012

MW Wishes Congratulations

Hey Guys!

I`m abroad at the moment, and I just wanted to say a 
to one of my besties who is getting engaged today. 

And, I am BEYOND GUTTED I cannot be there to bless her and her partner for the future.

But, I know my beloved reads this at work, so you`ll probably read this once you`re back at work and on a little break, so I just want to let you know I`m so happy for you and him. May Allah make the period from engagement to the wedding day smooth. And, I hope you have a wonderful day. Its the nearly the start of a new adventure!!

Cannot wait to come back and see ALL the pictures! Even from the Hen Weekend! I am there in spirit and will be thinking of you today. 

Love you and miss you, 

P.S. Any marriage tips anyone wants to share? I`m sure EVERYONE loves to read them. Comment below!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MW's Attempt At FrootiBeauty's Naked Arab Look...

Hey Whirlers! 

Hope everyone is well? I`m currently away at the moment. Probably taking snaps of my family and the scenery! Will share once I`m back. Anyway, on with the post.

I have a beautiful friend called, frootibeauty and she is a MUA. She regularly posts her eye make up and they`re really, I gave one a go: Naked Arab...

Here are her photos (be ready to be blown away):

*beautiful* Masha`Allah

And, now, lollllll, here is my attempt (don`t laugh):

I`m actually really embarrassed to show you this, lol.

But, yeah SOOOOO not as good as Frooti's! I wasn`t able to blend it like hers, nor achieve the right shape. I want to blame my tools, but its just me not being very good lol *cries*

But, that just means, you guys should all check out her blog!
Follow, follow and follow.

What do you guys think? Should I put down the brushes? lol


Saturday, February 4, 2012

MW's Snapshot Saturday

Whirlers! I have internet!

1. Flew over KSA during the sunset. AMAZEBALLS.
2. My cousin sister gave birth whilst I was visiting, so was able to meet my lil bambino!! Alhamdulilah, mother and son are doing well.
3. Paid my respects at the Shahid Minar. Always wanted to go here. You guys might think this is nothing, but I`m pretty cultural #geekalert
4. This is my favourite uncle. I let him use my SLR and he just looked like a typical photographer lol.

Hows your week been? My week has been flying by! 


Thursday, February 2, 2012

MW Goes Ice Skating

Whirlers!! I`ve missed you! I`ve been pretty busy for the last few weeks and will be for another few more weeks, unfortunately! Hope everyone is well. Couple of weeks ago, I went to the Tiffany & Co. Ice Skating Rink at Somerset House in London and it was AMAZEBALLS. LOVED IT.

I went during the day, so it wasn`t as crowded, which gave me more confidence on the ice and I was actually not bad for once. I usually hold onto the side for the ENTIRE session, but last week I even surprised myself lol and rarely held onto the side. I think thats why I enjoyed myself, I wasn`t a wuss lol. But, I DID fall, RIGHT at the end. Even the Ice Marshall was surprised I fell lol! 

Its such a fun thing to do with friends/family. Theres a tuck/coffee shop so people who aren`t so keen on the ice skating can sit inside and watch in the warmth from the side. Honestly, go! Its so much fun!

I`ve uploaded a few pics from the day. Enjoy :)
(click photos to enlarge)

Have any of your guys been ice skating lately?