Monday, December 5, 2011

MW Wedding Fun


Went to a wedding reception over the weekend, and I just had to share this awesome concept! My friend had a seating plan, with the correct type of mint cover infront of the correct gender. And, it was just so fitting for the occasion. You can tell a lot of time and thought went into it. Its those personal, smart touches, which make you smile!

In case anyone was wondering, the couple are BEAUTIFUL and the night was truly memorable. I wish the couple an entire lifetime of happiness and to continue keeping each other smiling. Perfect for each other.

What do you think? Cute, right? Have you seen cute touches like this before? Share.


P.S. Just wanted to take a moment to say Hello/Salam to all my new followers that I gained from participating in HFW, which by the way was really fun and great to see such a wide hijabi community on blogs. Hope you`re all doing well. I WILL reply to everyones comments/follow back after the 16th, as I will be a little preoccupied for the next couple of weeks. And, I like to take my time doing those things (lol). So, please don`t think I`m rude...and my battery is about to die...catch me on Twitter. Theres a link on the right (I think?) Love to all. xo

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