Saturday, December 31, 2011

MW's Snapshot Saturday

Whirlers!! :)
Hope everyone is well!

1. My Dad bought me a prayer mat with a compass and an Islamic book, even though its directed at men, it gives me an insight into the men's duties as a Muslim.
2. Little brother had his driving theory test this week, at 8am!! And, I went and grabbed a gingerbread latte in Costa. Mmm.
(He passed, in case anyone was wondering lol)
3. A sunrise shot from my bedroom window. Amazing. Masha`Allah.
4. Revision again!!

But, this week has been pretty blessed where I received really good news, so Alhamdulilah. Truly, truly, truly made me realise that sabr, dua and hardwork really do pay off. Alhamdulilah.

How has your week been?


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