Thursday, December 29, 2011

MW's Resolutions for 2012

Beauts :)

I don`t usually do resolutions as I tend to break them/forget about them, but this time I thought I`d put them on my blog to remind myself, and in months down the line, I can see if I`ve achieved them/continued with them.

So, lets get down to it!

1. Memorise more surahs. Read the Quran on a daily basis. So, so, soooo important. I mean if I have time to sit here and write on a silly bloggy, then I`m more than capable of sitting down to read the Quran. I think what I`m going to do is, read a few pages after every namaz, then I`ll feel better within myself. I remember when I was learning arabic (we had a Mersaab who came to our house every Saturday because where we live there are no masjids) and he told me, if you read it everyday, and the one day you don``ll feel lost. I want that feeling...that longness to read the words of Allah (swt) and then to rush towards the Quran and feel at ease. Insha`Allah.
And, also I think learn more about Islam in general as there is SO much I need to learn.
2. Get more into photography. Parents bought me a professional camera for my birthday and I rarely play around with it. Must get into it. I`m actually really excited to get into photography more in 2012. So, if I do play around and I like what I do, then I`m sure I`ll share and keep you guys updated!!
3. Shop WITHIN my wardrobe. Yes, that means NO ACTUAL SHOPPING for me. I have more than enough clothes, which doesn`t get the maximum use that they should. So, its a bit stupid of me to buy new clothes when I have so many unworn items already sitting at home. And, to only shop if its ACTUALLY necessary. That means, unsubscribing from store emails, avoiding shopping centres and not browsing online stores nor check out others bloggy posts on their 'hauls'...or even chicka's on YouTube!!
4. I think everyone has this resolution, but to shift some stomach fat....AWAY FROM ME!!! I`ve watched some videos, read articles as to WHY fat is stored there, so I understand everything about it to tackle it with a clearer mind. I think I will probably do light exercises at home and go jogging around where I live, as the atmosphere is so peaceful.
I think if I can maintain these resolutions throughout 2012, then insha`Allah, I`ll have a detox in mind, body and soul and have a more positive approach to life.

Have you kept any resolutions?


P.S. I also have some great ideas for the blog, but I will be busy from now until mid-January. So, I have a few scheduled posts as I hate leaving the blog unattended for so long. I won`t be able to reply to comments as quickly, but I shall, so please do comment still. Soon, I`ll be posting more and in general being more interactive with these potentially good ideas. So, until then, spread the mangowhirl love. Catch me on twitter. ID is over on the right. Click, click, click. See you guys in the new year, insha`Allah :)

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