Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MW Goes for Lunch


How are you all? Sorry I`ve been MIA - extremely busy and due to daylight saving hours, I`m not able to take good photos without daylight :( So, I do apologise for that!

I recently went to a bloggers lunch hosted by Zinah and Hafsa in London. It was a great event, with amazing turnout of beautiful sisters! I have included photos and a video! 

The mojito`s Aalia and I were obsessed with.

Aalia and Beauty Wednesday looking beautiful as usual <3

I`m obsessed with Chicken Wings ever since my best friend introduced them to me, so whenever I see them on a menu, I HAVE to order! These were nice, but not amazingggg.

More girlies who attended!

Myself, Aalia and BW modelling the goody bags provided by Zinah :)

Myself, Ala and Safiyah

Zinah and crazy Betul!


Taking a photo of Aalia taking a photo of me...as we do.

All of the girls, except Alyssa!
Hope you enjoyed the photos. The video is available under the tab 'Videos'!



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