Monday, May 20, 2013

MW's Walk With Me: A Date With Frootibeauty

Hey Whirlers,

Hope all are well? I recently took a day trip out to London to see the bestie, and we thought we would share  our day with you, Whirlers!

Check it out:

Let me know what you think! Would you like to see more of these when I go on my outings?


Sunday, May 5, 2013

MW's Take on Spring Trends 2013

Hi Whirlers,

Hope all are well – you must be, you`ve come onto my blog! ;)

I want to firstly, apologise for taking so long to upload another video! But, I`ve been rather busy and I finally made the time over the Bank Holiday weekend.

This video is how I would incorporate the Spring Trends into my wardrobe. I talk about pastels, corals, bright colours, floral, cobalt blue, military, neutrals and oriental.
There are of course other trends that are big this Spring, such as neons, print trousers and monochrome! Neons and print trousers are literally a no-go zone for me, so I didn`t mention them in the video and monochrome is pretty self-explanatory!

The number one tip for ANY trend for a modest dresser, is that you don`t have to wear the trend head to toe. You can simply hit the trend by wearing it in your accessories! Jewellery, handbags, nail polish, make up, bracelets, sandals, scarves, etc. Ironically enough, I don`t really like having too much attention drawn to myself, so accessories is a huge part of my wardrobe and how I include the trends into my style. So, I follow this tip avidly!

This trend is pretty big this Spring, everywhere you look there is something in a pastel colour. Now, I`m not the most keenest on this trend, simply because, as mentioned in the video, I am more drawn to darker hues, I will incorporate the pastels through my accessories. But, if you like the pastels, then by no means, purchase those mint jeans or rose maxi skirt! I`m sure you`d look fantastic.

I used to always wear black, so when I started to get out of my comfort zone and start purchasing bright colours, I kind of liked it. It was always fun to add colour to a black outfit. Again, accessories can play a large part in this trend, especially with a black maxi dress, the coral blazer I show on my video looks great with black! Have a look here when I wore it with a black maxi skirt.

This is another favourite trend of mine, as I think it`s so effortlessly girly. As mentioned in the video, I`m not a fan of wearing the floral blazer or trousers, as I feel that is too much for myself, so I always incorporate the trend through my accessories. Scarves are probably the most simple and ideal way of this trend. Great place to buy floral scarves is Whitechapel Market – I always pick one up when I`m there! I love a cute floral clutch in the Spring, which is perfect for a lunch out with friends. Don`t forget the sheer floral blouses that are in the stores at the moment, with a maxi skirt = cute and modest at the same time. But, of course if you can wear the floral blazer and trousers – then go you!

Love this trend! I never use to be a fan of cobalt blue because it`s such a bright and vibrant colour – but bright colours are growing on me and I`m looking forward to wearing this colour! It can easily be softened down by wearing it with a soft pink, like I have done with this outfit here.

Anything khaki is a win for me! And, as mentioned in the video, it is something that keeps coming back on the catwalk every season. So, I think investing in a few military pieces will keep you going through the next few years. I`m on the hunt for a nice khaki trench coat!

This is such a beautiful trend this Spring – not only is it really elegant and delicate its fantastic trying to embrace a different culture into your wardrobe. I showed my interpretation of it really briefly on the video,  with my kimono, but it can be done through wearing sliky/satin floral printed attires, whether it be a jacket or a maxi skirt.

Here is the video:

Please let me know what you think! Is this the sorta video you would want to see? What other types of videos would you like to see?

I do appreciate and take on board feedback, so please do comment and let me know.
Also, further to this, the colour of my fushia skirt/lips hadn`t shown up very well in the video – I promise I am not wearing orange lipstick, hehe.


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